• Prologue

    The feeling was strange. To my left I felt wet and my clothes were heavy. To my right was warmth and brightness. I look up . . . a rain cloud is only covering half of me. I wish it would move, because I'm cold. Fine I'll move. What? People? Why are they looking at me. Oh, right the demon. I guess they do attack whatever demension I travel to. So, What do they call this one? Universe?
    Nevertheless, they must have never seen demons before. Hm . . . I wonder if it's dead. Oh, right the normals. "What? Hmph, that's what I thought." The girl turned around she took only four steps before a small voice spoke. "Oneesan!" said a small child. The girl paused for few seconds then began to walk again.

    Good tree. Not dead tree. . . . Oneesan eh?. . . Is she the one I saved. . . . Maybe I will dream again of my past. My past right? Oneesan sat in a tree. On a branch, thick branch, strong branch, and most important, bed.
    Maybe I will dream. Dream again. Yes. Now.

    A dark cave. A fire.

    "Who are you?" said a small child. The child wore ratted old clothes, no shoes, long grey hair, and purple shining eyes. A soft chiming sound was her voice.
    "Why are these adults, of which I suspect are your parents, dead? Why have you no differences?" Said a tall man. "What's your name?"

    "I do not have a name. And what are differences?"

    "Well, differences are things like Aura or Neko abbilties or Wings. You seem to have none."

    "They are normal?" Said the child in surprise. Suddenly grey cat ears twisted forwards upon the child's head and a matching tail swished forward. The girl stood up and revealed cat paws instead of feet or hands. Next angelic wings sprung from her back and a purple aura glowed over her body.

    " . . . So the legend is true. Everyone in this dimension has only one difference. Ussually. So, what happened to your parents?" asked the mystery man.

    "I don't know. Everyday goes by and in the morning . . . I have forgotten the previous day. My memory is vague. But my parents were slaughtered."

    "My, don't you have quite the vocabulary. Pretty suphistocated words for a . . . how old are you?"

    "I have lived this strange life for nine years."

    "Mhm. Do you no what a ninja is?"