• Once apon a time there were flying monkey ninjas who loved owning people in the face with peanut butter and jelly beans and they would always yell OOH OOH AHH AHH which men you stupid noob! in monkey.
    Then all of a sudden a kowala came out of the bushes and killed all the monkey ninjas and made himself king. He hired 4 lion bodyguards to protect him from anyone who wanted his throne.
    But one day the lions were tired and the king was still having them do everything. They were sitting outside trying to think of a way to kill the king then they got on the discussion of.... JELLY BEANS!!
    "man o man i like the red and green jelly beans," said one of the lions.
    Then they got it! "we will use jelly beans to our advantage for the killing," said one of the lions. "HA HA HA" said one of the lions." HAHAHA" said a mysterious dark voice," said a mysterious dark voice. "who is that?" said one lion, Then all of a sudden SUPER PENGUIN came flying out of the sky, " i will take care of the koala king by poisoning a green jelly bean"
    Then the next day the king was eating some jelly beans and when he ate one it turned purple and killed the koala king and the lions lived in fear of jelly beans and the Super penguin took over the kingdom.