• No Petals

    Chapter 1: Him

    New York, New York.

    My face felt like Rock as I watched my mother, Maria, drop the glass plate. The blue shards laid on the gray tiled floor, her lighter blue tears fell slowly after the plate. I hadn’t meant to hurt her, but it seemed my question hit her harder than I thought it would have. My chest felt empty as my mother, fell to the chair, her beautiful rust red hair fell with her. I stood it shock, complete and utter shock. My heartfelt empty and light, my eyes waters and fell full. I wish it was the opposite. I hated to watch her cry, and I hated myself.
    “My darling, Jezebel. You really do want to live with your father.” She held tears back. She watched as I knelt beside her, I looked into her light green eyes, they were clouded with sorrowful thoughts, I just knew it. I knew everything about her, everything she thought. That’s why it hurt me, to hurt her. I watched her cry silently to herself.
    “For a few months, Mother please. I just want to spend I tiny bit of time with my Father.” I pushed my hair behind ears, I stared at her tiny round face, and she nodded slowly at me. I smiled at her; she managed a tiny smile, which quivered.
    I wrapped my arms around her body, her frail body felt tense against my thicker build. I should have known her reaction, she hated him, and I brought him up. She cried into my light, Glossy brunette hair, which was tied into to a tight ponytail. I wanted to cry. I wanted to live. I wanted. I was selfish. I was bringing all the hurtful memories up to her. Because, I was selfish.
    “Mother, I love you so much, but I want to go.”
    My mother stifled, and let me go. Her eyes became red and puffy, but she smiled,” Be a go girl for your mum, Jezebel, I’ll miss you.”
    “I will, for you. Mother, thank you, for everything. Goodbye.” I smiled a turned away, to never see her alive again.

    5 Years Later

    London, England

    I stopped as I stared at chalk broad of my CP Physic Class; it had Pop quizzes written all over it. I gave a tiny frown as I watched my friend chat with each other, or people I never spoke to. It’s a give or take kind of thing. I walked over to my desk, my heels made an annoying clacking noise. I sat down, the seat were hard wooden things, attached to the desk. I watched the door open and close as the teacher strolled in. My lips curved slightly into a smile as the teacher erased the chalk broad, no quiz. Thank God!
    “Good, Morning my darlings,” Miss. Bloom said smiling at ever student. Her dazzling blue eyes, her white teeth, her glossy red hair, it amazed me how beautiful she was, and not married. I watch her pull out a glossy white piece of paper; her red nail looked cool against the sheet. She glanced at the door waiting for something, or someone. Then she wrote on the freshly cleaned chalkboard. ‘NEW STUDENT’
    I stared at the broad, happy, yet depressed. Another person to hate me, perfect.
    I watched the very heavy door open, then shut. My Jar hit the floor as the young male walked into the well lit room. I couldn’t help not to stared, he was handsome. His hair was a jet dark black, it look beautiful against his white skin He had purple bags under his eyes; he looked as he hadn’t slept in week maybe months. His eyes, they were so indifferent, so different, and so dark. He wore a dress shirt and pants. His smile light the room as her walked over to the teacher, who was dazzled herself. I bite my lower lip; he was probably the first guy I was ever interested in.
    I heard all the other boys scoff at him, and all the girls were dazzled, even me. Who was he? What was he? Thoughts drilled into my head as a turned away, to face the teacher. I pulled at my blouse sleeves, I slowly turned to him. Wait, he was staring right at me! I Jezebel Lois! I looked away quietly, waiting for Miss. Bloom to speak, waiting. I felt myself turn red; gosh I was happy, maybe a little over joy.
    “Oh, yes my students, we have a new student. His Name is James Gullet. He’s from Alaska America, is that amazing!” She turned to face his handsome face, she smiled,” Why don’t you take a sit next to Jezebel Lois. If you have any question just ask her or myself, Ok Hun.” She pointed to me, about then I knew I was red, I was positive...
    I turned to face him again as he smiled at me, I smiled back at him, I even curved my lips to smile. I pushed my brunette hair behind my ears, my finger tips rubbed against my head. “All so, she will be your new tutor, just in case you need a tiny bit help, you may talk to her after class.”
    “Thanks you, Miss. Bloom.” His voice was beautiful, every word sounded like a lullaby. James walked over to my desk. James rubbed his long fingers against my desk, and then he turned away. Flashing a smile he sat down next to me. I started to blush again as he tapped my shoulder, “Um, sorry to bother you, but can I borrow a pencil?”
    “Yes, give me a second.” I said my voice came out funny as I bent over and rummaged through my pen bag. My finger nails made it hard to hold in while I handed to him, but I survived. He took the pencil, and gave a warm grin, it made you want to jump up and hug the person.
    “If you want, I’ll give you my number if you want to talk about the tutoring, unless you don’t want to do it.” I gave a slight smile to him as he turned back to the teacher, I guess he wasn’t interested.
    “Mmhmmm,” he said not paying attention to me. What was I expecting, him to stand up a start dancing? Yeah, didn’t expect much. He looked over to me and laughed,” Sure, why don’t I come over tonight, if that fine with you. I don’t want to force it on you.”
    I stared at the teacher, my eyes had widened hugely. I wanted to laugh loudly, but then again, I would get in trouble. I quickly turned over to him, I was shocked. “Sure, but we’ll have to speak about it later”
    I could feel him staring at me as I turned away, or maybe I was going crazy. Slowly the clock ticked and tucked as the class dragged on, it started to feel like it was never going to end. Usually, physics, my favorite class, was so interesting, but I couldn’t focus. Damn, what was going on, I can’t follow this class.
    Miss. Bloom looked annoyed at the class, by the look no one was following along her teaching. Though, I guess ever one was too interested in James, even a fire wouldn’t bring them to reality. Ah, good old new students, they should have their own day. It will be called ‘New Students Day’, Ok, that’s crap. I’ll just stick to what I do best, learn and work.
    As school went on, all I could think of was James, and if we had anymore classes together. Maybe we had lunch together, maybe.
    I stepped into the Lunch room; my bags hit my thigh over and over, it was getting annoying fast. Everyone ate the lunch peaceful, trying to balance eating and socializing with others.
    No one really focused on James, he sat alone staring at the wall of the huge brick room, and he looked breath tackily beautiful. His black hair looked dazzling in the dim lighting, and his pale skin was like smooth porcelain. Something made me want to reach out a touch him. Though, if I did, that would make me a psycho. James turned to face me, he had a smile on his face, and then with a swift moment he was waving to me.
    His smile, or grin, was perfect, it made me turn red. James stood up, and started walking toward me; oh gosh please say he was going to pass me. He did, but he dropped a note on my school bag, it was folded neatly, and it was a yellow whitish color. Turning to him, James walked away form me, never once said a thing to me.
    I glanced back to the note, slowly I reached for it, and my hand touched the rough materials. I shifted, and opened in slowly; the words were detailed, and beautifully wrote. Of course, I thought, something came up. He was busy, like everyone else was another student down the drain to be friends with. Not like I care, I don’t need anyone, and I don’t need someone to block my senses. But, I did want a friend, or two, that would be cool.
    I skipped the last Period of school, it was only dance class. Anyway, I needed to speak with a friend, to be exact, a cousin. I ran threw the door, with my wool jacket, snow book, and ear muffs on. It was mid winter, and it was cold outside. I made a small whine as a cold breeze hit me in my face. Chills went up and down my spine, as I walked over to a red headed, lean and tall woman. I looked at her; she was Lex, my cousin. She looked different, her eyes looked tired, and her skin was paler, though, almost everyone in our family was pale.
    Lex stood by a motorcycle, she was smoking a cigarette. She smiled as I got closer, her smile was warm, she sat on it, leaving room for me,” Hey, Jez, it been awhile.”
    “Yeah, what 6 years? Hey Lex how are you?” I sat be hide her, I wrapped my arms around her waist, so I didn’t fall off. That’s the one thing we shared in common, both of hated crashing our Motorcycles.
    “7 Jezebel, It’s been 7 years. I’ve been fine, Seth too.” She speed up, and her engine roared threw the road of the City. Snow hit us the hard rocks; maybe se should have brought my car instead of my motorcycle… like I could pry it from her heads. “How is Alice? Is she eating well?”
    I sighed, I dreaded the question, Alice, my tiny 13 year old sister, eat well, but she eat my food sense my dad neglected to give me money for food, :She great, I picked up a job to feed her, though I get hunger, but I don’t mine.” I held her tighter as she slowed down, and speed up again.
    “Your father, I’ll get that, ugh. He says he’ll take care of you two, and then your mother, then poof he doesn’t care.” She hissed at me, she would kill him, but if you did, she knew me and Alice had nothing. She stopped a café, probably so we wouldn’t have yell over the engine.
    Jumped off the bike after me and put it up against the Café, she didn’t care what other thought of her, she just didn’t. Lex was the rebel I wanted, and who I was, but for my sister I behaved, though I’m not who I want to be sadly. Everything was for Alice, she needed it.
    Both of us walked into the café, it smelled of teas and small treats, nothing like the one I worked at. Lex took her coat off, and threw it across the booth she at, I followed, but never took my extra clothing. Lex smiled at me as she leaned back her face looked harmless, but I knew better. “So, that new kid, eh”
    “Shut up, and stop reading my thoughts.” I said frowning at her, she read minds, and of course, I was her favorite victim. I clawed at my leg as her grin became much huger, she was pure evil.
    “James sound cute, maybe you shouldn’t give up. He could be bust, or, or shy.” She said pushing it, I could hit her, but I would end up hurting myself. Lex loved trying to get me a date since I turned seven, and she tries even harder since she got married.
    “He is, but he is way too beautiful for me.” I said sighing as I ran my finger threw my short, yet bouncy brunette hair.
    “Blah, Blah, Blah. You need a guy to take care of you, so you can take care of Alice!” She spat the word at me, it kin of hurt me, but she was right.
    “Fine,” I said tensing up as a cold hand landed on my right shoulder, I wanted to scream, but Lex’s face was claim, so I didn’t worry.
    “Hey Jezebel,” The soft and sweet voice said. It was Alice, she must of heard I skipped class. She walked up to Lex and sat beside her, her strawberry blond hair matched Lex’s hair, they looked more of sister the Alice and me. Lex loved Alice more then anything, though she almost never talked to her.
    “ Someone told me you skipped class, so I knew Lex would go to a café, since she love sweets,” Alice said smiling and kicking her legs, If you didn’t know her age, you would think she was seven with breasts. Lex laughed at my thought, I hate it when she does that.
    “Yes, Alice I do. Anyway, what kind of tea do you want? And you Jezebel,” Lex said waving at a waiter, her nail were long and black, I wondered why she had black, when she loved pink colors. The waiter looked annoyed, her bright red lip curved into a frown, looked like she needed a smoke, or two.
    “What DO you want,” she hissed at me. Oh, I knew who she was, some girl from school. Guessed she didn’t like me? She looked impatient; she tapped her feet and me, her black hair bounced with her body motions.
    Lex started laughing, her laughs echoed though the building, she got what I was doing, stalling to annoy the waiter. Lex stared at the waiter, like a loon, she grinned and frowned over and over. A roar of laughter came out of Alice’s and my mouth, maybe we were immature, but it was too much fun to pass up.
    “You Morons! Jezebel, you are totally a child, I don’t care about your grades, I’m MUCH better then you,” She stated and stomped away, I hadn’t notice who exactly she was, but now I did. Lex was growling and cussing and herself. Alice was frowning, she was no longer giggling at everything, and she just sat there watching the snowflakes out the window. Her smooth blond hair curls wiggled slightly.
    “I’ll go, you two can stay.” I said standing up, my jeans felt tight against my leg, my chest hurt a little.
    Lex smiled and waved to me, “I’ll bring Alice home after she get feed. See you Jez”
    I left swiftly, I felt horrible all of sudden, and maybe I felt guilty? Anger? Sad? I never thought anyone felt so deeply about my grades, they came up actually hating me. What did she mean by she was better then me?
    How could someone hate me because of my good grades? I tried my best, and got what I deserved, what was wrong with that? Was she Jealous of that? Because I got good grades, and she didn’t? Because, because I was on the top? What did I do to deserve this?
    All I wanted was to be perfect, and to have perfection, but was it worth being hated? Did anyone care what went through my head, well any else then Lex?
    I looked up, and noticed I was lost. Where was I? I didn’t noticed anything, oh well I’ll find myself sooner or later. The snow flakes were dazzling until they hit the stone ground and melted. Many of the hit my skin a melted, the made shivers go up and down my body, it was getting chilly as the sun set. The snow and sun set were a beautiful mix.
    I smiled and looked up, and giggled a tiny bit as children played in the snow, there laughter made me smile; they reminded me of Alice. Well, in the happier times.

    When I finally wondered my way home, Alice and Lex were watching some movie, and Seth, Lex’s Husband, was cleaning dishes. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek, “Thanks Seth.”
    “Your welcome, Jezebel,” Seth growled at me. His spiky amber colored was pinned up, oh dear what did Alice do.