• Sighing, she laid her head against his chest, closing her eyes for a moment to listen to his steady heartbeat. Softly kissing the top of her head, he said, "I wish we didn't have to meet in secret." "We do none the less. Mother would never let me leave the castle if she knew, and only you know what would happen if the king found out." She said in her soft, sweet voice. His red eyes looking over her head at nothing, he just held her tighter, pulling his mouth into a grim line then relaxing it again and kissing her head once more.

    Her beauty surpassed all, even in the mortal realm. Her slightly tanned skin was flawless, not a blemish tainted it. Her silver blue eyes and bright blonde hair always attracted attention from various onlookers. A slim, five and a half foot figure, the only thing she had to conceal was her wings and ears, which came to a distinguished point, only her hair or a hat would hide them. Tightly tucking her wings around her body, she was able to conceal them for a while.

    His light brown hair and unnatural red eyes caught people’s gaze, along with his tall, muscular frame. He had to hide his wings and ears also, never letting anything slip. Sightings of winged figures with unnaturally pointed ears would surely cause rumors and would risk their being together if any one in their realm were to hear.

    Erato was Catre’s most trusted friend, confiding everything in him. Friends even when they were small children, nothing was secret. Nothing except this. Rena was daughter of the Queen of angels, heir to the throne. She was taught to stay out of trouble, never to speak out of turn, obey every rule. But she hated the rules and frequently broke them. Especially when it was for him.

    Tension ran high between the heavens and the under world. The threat of war weighed heavily on every ones mind. Neither side would make the first move. So still, they waited as the strain built up.

    Continuing to walk along the beach, they watched the sun slowly sink below the water. As one after another the stars came out, they left the white sands and had a festive dinner. Later that night, they slipped away so no one would see as they transported back to where they belonged.

    After one last kiss, they turned and disappeared into a flash of light and went home. Sitting in her room, Rena sighed. The only thing she could remember him by while he was gone was a slightly burnt rose he had given her. She held it in her hands and thought of all that they had done today. Sighing again, she lay back on her bed and went to sleep.

    Erato sat gazing out the window thinking of Rena. He wondered if she had kept the everlasting rose he had given her. Silently staring out of his window at the kingdom, he watched the last of the red glow sink below the horizon, the sighed and lay on his bed, letting sleep take him too.
    In the morning as first feeble glows of the dawn started to climb their way up the eastern horizon, Rena sat up and stretched. Bringing her wings down, she rose a few feet in the air and fell back onto her bed. Lightly stepping on the cold floor, she hurriedly pulled a robe on and slipped out of her room towards the kitchen.

    After eating a light breakfast, she snuck back to her room to put on her clothes for the day. Leaving a note on her bedside table, she hurried out of the castle gates, saying hello to the castle gatekeeper Rom, and into the hustle and bustle of the morning crowds outside of the castle.
    Reaching a small house in the center of the city, she opened the door and walked inside. A woman stood stirring a pot over the fire while a small child stood clinging to his mother’s skirt. She was thin and small, around the same age as Rena. Her black hair was tied up, running halfway down her back.

    Hearing her come in, the boy turned and beamed a smile around the finger he was sucking. Releasing his mother’s skirt, he came over to where she stood and lifted his hands toward her. Taking him in her arms, she waited until the woman turned around to say anything. When the woman turned, she was shocked to see someone in her home.

    Lifting her gaze to the princess’ face, her face relaxed into a smile as her son said, “Look mommy, Rena is here!” A smile and a small laugh came from Rena as she set the boy down and crossed the room to hug her old friend. “How are you, have you been to the mortal world lately?” asked the woman. “How are you Desa? And I have, and I brought you this.” said Rena bringing out a small porcelain fairy. “Oh it’s beautiful!” exclaimed Desa, a dazzling smile crossing her face.

    Erato opened his eyes, remembering Rena’s smile from the day before. With a sigh, he rose and put on his clothes. Walking with an air of dignity, he strode into the throne room to see his long time friend.

    “Erato, How good to see you.” said Catre rising from his throne and walking to greet him in the middle of the room. Clasping each other’s arm between the wrist and the elbow, they gave a customary greeting before a hug.

    “You are a welcome sight after the dignitaries and other nobles that have been crowding the castle lately. Even the king cannot live without some fun. Come, let us make mischief in the city like we used to!” said Catre.

    In normal clothes, Catre and Erato walked around the city, no one recognizing the king in peasants clothing. By mid-day, they had caused mischief, mayhem, and had an enormous amount of fun. “I don’t recall a time when I have ever laughed so much. I needed a day away from the castle.,” said Catre gasping for breath from laughing so hard. They were hiding in an alley, listening to the guards run past, their feet pounding on the coble stones. Heads poking around the corner of the wall, they checked to see if any one was watching, and then walked back to the castle.

    Donning their noble clothes again, they lunched in the dining hall, their lighthearted mood lasting through out the day. But as Erato readied for bed, he could only think of Rena. Her beauty and grace, the way she laughed, and the way she gazed at him with the cutest face when she wanted a small trinket from the mortal world. Lying down, he knew that tomorrow wouldn’t come soon enough.

    As Desa cooked, Rena helped clean and wash the clothes. When the food was done, they all sat down to bowls of beef soup. Turnips, carrots, celery, and other various vegetables and spices swam in the broth. When the meal was finished and Desa had tucked her son in for his mid-day nap, the women sat and talked about Rena’s previous trip into the mortal world.

    “So, when is the next time you are going to see the mortal realm? Where are you going to go?” questioned Desa. “I’ll be going back tomorrow, and we’ll be going to a place called Paris. We were in Hawaii last trip. It was wonderful, there was a beach and the water was beautiful and blue.” said Rena as she remembered the sandy shore.

    Talking on for hours, Rena finally made her way back to the castle as the day ended. Slipping inside unnoticed, she hurried to find a servant to start her bath. Sliding out of her clothes, she stepped into the warm water.