After Ether and his freinds left to slay the Blue Dragon, they wandered into Mugy Swamp.What was that?Thats all Ether thought.He could almost make out the outline of what looked like the tallest man he'd ever seen!Although it was in the middle of the day,it was almost pitch black in the swamp.
"These look like cow tracks, but there to close together almost like it's walking on two legs,but that's impossible."Shan said.Mruuuuuuuuoooooooo!"What the crap!"exclaimed Lank.Whatever it was it knocked down enough trees to create a shaft of light on it."It's a minatour!"screamed Lank.Mraauff!It whipped an arm around to its back and pulled out some weapon."And it has an axe!"yelled Ether.
It charged,holding its axe in the air,destroying everything in its path.Lank shot an arrow that hit the minatour right on the jaw.It grabbed the arrow,pulled it out,and screeched.It threw it and the arrow caught Lung's knee."aaaaaaaaaah!"It lifted its axe and swung it down,but just before it sliced in half blood shot out over his face.
"I was waiting for that chance."Ether siad,sliding the Legion out of the fallen minatour's body.

Comments (3 Comments)
- twinzie one - 01/02/2009
- great avatar!
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- dezzi08 - 07/25/2008
- i love it i cant wait for you to make the next one
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- Angry emo_panda - 07/25/2008
- omg what chance...i want more!!!!! [first comment srry had 2]
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