• I am the exact opposite of what someone would call “perfect“... My mom and dad were happy together, living life. My little brother came along and I teased him and laughed at him, but usually I would get caught by Katherine, my older sister. Other than that we were, back then, “perfect“. Mom would make pancakes and eggs every weekend; my dad would come home with dirt in his face, but smiled every time he saw Katherine, Jared, and I.

    We had a decent house in Arizona. I remember not caring when I came inside after playing in the mud all day. " Danny, what in God's name makes you think you can waltz your six year old butt inside my house! Go clean up!"

    She never cursed around Jared and I, of course. Jared was only four and Katherine was sixteen and was still single. I couldn’t really imagine Katherine with anybody though because she seemed too motherly and too busy taking care of us when my mom and dad were fighting. Dad would always ask her if she has found someone yet, but that would usually end in another fight. All Jared and I could do was watch,

    I had one other sister, Desiree. Well not really my sister. By in my heart I could consider her my sister, always helping out and getting me out of trouble. She was ten, and her mom knew my mom very well. Desiree and I would go sit in this old tree together not caring what time it was. I had feelings for her I could not describe when I was so young - she was just so beautiful and so happy with life.

    I told my mom about Desiree, but all she did was laugh and say, "Oh Danny Boy, Desiree is four years older than you, she is like a sister more than anything." I just stared at her and realized she was right. I mean, I couldn’t imagine "loving" her.

    My birthday was that year and I couldn’t be anymore happier. I had the best friends in elementary, my grades were good and I finally got that super soaker I had been wanting for the longest time. My dad had gotten a promotion and my mom was always in a good mood.

    July 17th, 2001 was a day I will never forget.

    That one day that year wasn’t so fortunate. I heard my mom crying in the kitchen while washing dishes. I never really understood why woman clean and cry. Jared was also staring.

    "What do you think is wrong with mom?" he asked

    "I think she is remembering the pain you brought her when you were born," I teased.

    "Shut up, Danny! I swear, one of these days you will wake up with a black eye!" Ignoring my brother, I thought, "Wait a minute, where’s Katherine? I haven’t seen her all day." I looked around downstairs and then I ran up the stairs while Jared followed me, obviously. We looked in Katherine’s room. She was on her computer staring at the blank screen.

    "Katherine!" Jared spat out

    "Oh! Jared! Err... what are you guys doing here?" She wondered with a worried voice.

    "Something is wrong with mom." I said

    Katherine thought hard; she was debating something, I could tell. She finally spoke. "Uh, Jared do you mind if I speak with Danny alone?"

    Jared looked at me all jealous, but he stepped out without a word and slammed the door in anger. He losses his temper easily. Katherine looked at me, but I couldn’t understand the expression on her face..

    "Danny," she finally spoke, " you know how I am seventeen. And I am old enough to set my future."

    I nodded not really knowing where this was going. By now the only thing that was going through my mind was my new Gameboy Advanced...

    "Danny, I am the reason why mom is crying..." She looked down at her shoes," I am... Well lets see here, I like girls, Danny, not boys."

    I thought about what she said until it finally hit my seven year old brain.

    "Oh..." I giggled a bit, but noticed she wasn’t laughing.

    Life goes on. my sister is Lesbian and I love her either way. Apparently Desiree knew and re-told me and explained what the words “gay” and “bisexual” meant.

    So I guess I was pretty up to date with everything.