In the land of Olire there once was a city with people of all different races. They all praised one person, Titonusoplowmun, the builder of a city. But then one day one man, Olypil, defied that Titonusoplowmun ever built the city. More and more people joined with him in this belief. The faithful who always believed in the builder became known as the believers or belie. Those who didn’t believe in the builder where known as non-believers, or nons. Soon the believers and the non-believers began to fight over it. Eventually the people broke into two groups and left the city, and war broke out. The believers had one last baby born in their midst, they named him Titonus after the creator of their city. Now 18 years later the story continues...
Chapter 1
Titonus ran through the field of high prairie grass, he knew that if caught by the non-believers, it would be the end for him, not only for him, but for his people as well. He heard a shout and dove to the ground. A rough hand grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet. A man with deep lines grooved into his face, and silver-gray eyes that seemed to fall back into a deep abyss stared with anger into his face.
“What do you think your doing? Have we never told you, have we never warned you what would happen, if you got caught by the nons? Our people! We would be ruined; they would show no mercy to you, they would slaughter you on sight! Do you even think before you run out in the field of battle? Do you? Would you run into the path of a flying arrow? Arrogance is of the unintelligent or of the immature! Not of people such as yourself, especially none so as important as you! You know better than to wonder so close to a non’s camp! Now come back to camp with me, and be quick about it.” said Bilbos in a voice that clearly emitted anger mixed with disappointment that was almost unbearable.
As they headed back, Kalene waved from the corner. She was an elf with short orange hair, blue eyes, and a caring smile. Mostly she wore the armour of her people, as conflict could occur at any time. She could charm anyone, even the most foul of creatures, and never seemed to find a wrong with anyone. But as the daughter of the Soplo, who was the leader of the believer’s party, she also had to be very careful of where she went and what kind of people she met and socialized with.
Kalene always told Titonus not to go out, just as everyone else had, but he never seemed to listen. She knew he would always be caught eventually, either by his uncle or by a non. Luckily, he always seemed to
come back fine though.
“Look who got caught!” teased Kalene, “At least when I go out, I don’t have to be rounded up by my uncle.” giggled Kalene. She reached into her pocket, and pulled out a small emerald coin and flipped it to Titonus, then smiled and began to walk away, then turned back, and looked at him with a smile.
“Well I figure I still owe you on our bet, you did last more than 20 minutes. Well, if you could even say it was 20 minutes. I mean I imagine a even a lowly little Caspcul could have done better!” she turned again and walked away, giggling as she went. Titonus reddened, and started to say something, but was interrupted by his uncle who pulled him into the Soplo’s tent.
In the distance Riley watched them. She was always grim, and as a vampire half-breed werewolf, it was to be expected. She was pale with maroon hair that fell a little past shoulder length. Her lips and eyes where always the color of blood, and seemed to watch you where ever you went. She smirked and picked up and apple from the vendor, the vendor almost glanced at her, but then thought better of it. It was never good to cause trouble if Riley wasn’t in a good mood, and she always wasn’t in a good mood. She leapt through the air and landed on a nearby outcropping of rocks and listened for the footsteps of anyone approaching the camp. Her throat felt dry and leathery, she hadn’t had blood in many days and couldn’t wait to feast on the many non-believers not far away.
Olire, City of War
Chancellor Mirror
I began this story as a rp type thing on GAIA. Believe it or not, it is still on gaia. But I really don't use it any more. If you still want to find it, it is under Olot, City of War. (Don't know what section.) Then, I went back and started writing the whole thing out again. I have made a few changes since then. If you don't want to read the whole thing, thats fine with me. It is not finished, so I hope you like what I have written.
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