- Emonium Shadow's Gallery
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Sup?<br />
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Lazy as fuck, stole this from my teenspot account and edited it a bit.<br />
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Pretty non-chalant, I play whatever instrument I can find (I own some guitars and a keyboard) but usually wander of to my PC because I can't think up song lyrics. I spend usually spend some of my time playing a certain PC game and listening to a variety of Rock/Metal sub genres. I'm a huge fan of JRock/JPop and don't have much of a liking to rap. Today's rap music and music of the similar sound has altered my opinions... I don't even consider a lot of it actual music anymore, I have my own theory.<br />
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I'm willing to talk to just about anyone (not really)<br />
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I don't really aspire to do anything for some reason.<br />
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I won't judge anyone who has that insane typing style that's like 'wat am i doiin typiin liike diss,' but I might make fun of it a little. (Or a lot.)<br />
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I have two sisters and we're complete opposites. If you don't fit in to any of my interests, you'd likely fit in to theirs and I would probably fucking hate[/strike troll] you.<br />
<br />One day I want to obtain Visual Kei hair.<br />
<br />That's about it, I guess.<br />
I don't really bother with the whole pretty self made CSS profile thing anymore, too much effort so go ahead and make fun of my noob profile >_> - Avg. rating:
- Mom~
- Photography
- 173 recent comments
the hallway
turns into pure
darkness during
night, but
stays the
sameduring day. - the dark hallway
- High School Flash...
- 3 recent comments
This can relate
to anybody
really... hope
you like it. - Looking Back
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
This was just
something made
up right on the
spot (so it
won't win.
=P). I tried to
make the
syllabl - White as Snow
- Holiday Poem Contest
- 5 recent comments
I wrote this
for literature
class and got
to read it at
my graduation.
Hope you like
it ~<3~ i
know - Advice to the...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 3 recent comments
i wrote this
because i have
had a lot on my
mind when it
comes to my
personal life
and its been
real - Broken, Beat,...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
- 100%
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 4 recent comments
- heart or not
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
Its a song that
I wrote and
it's for a
music project.
I guess it
could be a
poem. Hope you
enjoy/enj - Don't Wa...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
I wrote this
poem up when I
was severely
suicidal. At
one time, this
was my suicide
note. - Paradise
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
Poem written in
memory of two
ex boyfriends,
who passed
away. - Because you l...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 0 recent comments