• Christmas angel, hear me now,
    Show me that you are more then a dream,
    Or a saying that has no meaning.
    Please show me that you are here,
    Guiding me along the path,
    That will take me to the home I never had,
    Away from the bad, and into the good,
    Where I’ll always be warm and full of food.

    Christmas Angel, do you hear my call?
    I ask you to save me before I fall.
    They days have grown chilly,
    My mind has become dark,
    And the only thing that will save me is the sound of a harp.
    Oh blessed angel, may you shine you light?
    So I may live for just one more night?
    Please take pity upon my sorrowing soul,
    So I may take yet another breathe and feel whole.

    Christmas angel, I sing your name,
    Wondering if I shall see you again,
    For there you were, oh so long ago,
    Saving me from earth’s hellish inferno.
    Oh angel, I give thee my heart,
    For I never wish to be apart,
    From such a creature as you,
    A creature so pure and alluring and new.
    Oh Christmas angel, you are but my only wish,
    To live with you just like this,
    As you hold me in you strong warm arms,
    I feel so loved and like I belong.
    Oh angel, please, grant me this wish,
    If thou will not take my heart then please just one kiss,
    Not of lust but of love dearest angel, my creature of the sky.

    Dearest angel, let me see you once more before I die.