• Once upon a time there was a family named "The Wilson Family".They were a very very happy family until a someone knocked on the door in 4:30 am.A person named Jake Wilson which is 17 years old opened the door.......nothing was there he look left,right,up,down and he found a basket with a blanket and something under the blanket,he opened the blanket and there was a dog,he took it inside the house,his mom named Chrissy Wilson which is 36 years old said "Jake What Are You Doing Up This".......she looks at whats in his hands "Jake Whats That In Your Hands",Chrissy Said "Its A Dog Someone Left It There",Jake Said...everyone woke up then there was the dad named,John and the sister,shaundi and they all woke up and then they were all having fun with the dog....besides Jake he asked his dad "Dad What Kind Of Dog Is That" he asked "Its A American Water Spaniel" "Ok Thank You Dad" Jake Said.He Walked Up Stairs,Turned On His Computer And Typed "American Water Spaniel" he looked at the dog it said "This Dog Has A Virus That Can Kill Many Lives" To Be Continued.......