• It was a Sunday morning in the summer, Lea had just woken up and walked outside. Still in her ,purple satin pants and purple cotton tank top pajamas,she stretched. Looking into the sun was not the best idea for her 10 year old eyes. She imediately looked away ,blinking and squinting.Lea blindedly walked into the house and sat at the kitchen table,ready for breakfast.Her mother, Jennifer ( shes pregnat, but I didn't find out til near the end. But thats not the piont.) , came from the pantry and put breakfast on the table.Mmmm bacon and sunnyside-up eggs with just a pinch of salt and pepper! Mom always did this on Sundays."Good morning sleepy head!" mom sang quietly.She was always this excited on Sundays because we always went to the rescue center.As I finished breakfast mom asked "Sweety, can you go wake up your father?" "Sure mom!" I loved waking up my dad, Mark, because I always wound up watching him fall on the floor."Lea what happened?!?! Why am I on the floor?" "Chill dad, I woke you up. Mom has breakfast ready." I said reassuringly,"Good , 'cause im huuuuuuuuuuuungry!" I giggled. Dad and I walked out of the bedroom ,down the hallway and into the kitchen , hand-in-hand. Once we got to the kitchen, our hands seperated and dad went to mom and exchanged a kiss ,bleh!, for some coffee. I went in my room to get dressed , as I did, I heard someone in my brothers room yell "GET TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP! TIME TO EAT!" my mom. She did this because it was the only way to get my, 13 year old brother, Scottie, up. He sleeps so heavy that if an ambulance went by, he wouldn't hear a thing! So when Scotties up , of course, the dogs are the last to wake. RUFF! RUFF,RUFF! Mary and Lily trot in on their little bulldog legs. "Here you go my babies." my mom cooed. After they were done eating, Lily came in my room begging for me to pick her up. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms like a baby. So to speak, Lily was my dog and Mary was Scotties dog. After a while I put her down and she trotted off with Mary. Then was when I realized I hadn't even started to get dressed!I hurriedly threw on a light blue polo dress and ran into the kitchen. Everyone had gotten dressed and was ready to go. I put the purple leash on Lily and Scottie had put the green leash on Mary. We walked out the door and got into dads 2008 Chevy Pickup. Lily on my lap and Mary on Scotties.We finally got there. Scottie and I ran with Lily and Mary to the outside cage they have for strays. We saw all the same dogs from last Sunday. Scottie and Mary walked to mom and dad . I started to follow when I saw a dog in the corner of my eye. I looked closer into the cage and thats when I saw it! A black shaggy and really dirty looking dog was staring right at me . It was laying in the corner of the cage with its head down just staring at me. I dont know how I could have missed it laying there! It was scary yet cute to look at.It stopped looking at me and looked ahead with his head on his paws. Like it was thinking.What could that sad looking dog possibly be thinking? Since it stopped I left to go to mom and dad. When it was time to go, I took one last look at the dog and it looked at me. Our eyes locked. Then the sound of my moms voice startled me."Lea, time to go." Our gaze broke and I waved bye to it. It seemed to say bye with its eyes. We took the same positions on the way back as we did when we came. We got home, I put Lily in the kitchen with Mary and patted her on the head. I went into my room to wonder about the dog. The next morning I did the same ruiteen except for eating my favorite breakfast and going to the kennal. But this time , when I went outside to stretch, I saw it! The black shaggy dog ! I decided to name it Jack. Once it saw me, it came close, not waging its tail or anything, just walked up and nudged me. Then it left. I was literly hyperventilating! Though I didn't tell anyone .How could it have gotten out of that cage? I dont know so I tried to think nothing of it. A week later I had almost completly forgot about Jack until it happened. It was a Wednesday night and we had a camp out.We all finally decided to hit the hay. My brother and I slept in one tent while dad and mom slept in another.We were pretty grown up now that we could sleep in different tents. So in the middle of the night I awoke because I heard someone moving. It was Scottie putting on his shoes. I said" Scottie, what are you doing?" "I cant sleep. Im going out for an adventure!" He whispered. "Im coming with you! I want to go adventure ,too!" I didn't really want to go out of the tent.I just wanted to sleep but I cant sleep knowing my brothers out there. He agreed. But only if I didn't tell mom and dad. I agreed. We left the tent with our flashlights. I turned on my flashlight and shined it on my watch. It read 11:36. Wow. We kept walking into the woods. I wasn't scared , but my brother looked like he was going to pee himself! I said " Are you ok Scottie?" " Y-ya , I-I-Im f-f-f-fine!" He stuttered. I didn't belive him. Then I heard a noise. Scottie got really , and I mean REALLY close to me. " W-w-w-w-w-what w-was th-that?!?!" he whispered urgently." I don't know." I admitted. I was getting scared now. Then I saw it. My flashlight was perfectly focused on the black shaggy dog standing right there staring. Expretionless face. Staring. Hungry. So hungry you could see his ribs clearly. I leaned to my brothers ear understanding what the dog wanted. I whispered "Run.". He took off like a bullet and the dog ran right after him. I chased the dog screaming,"No! Don't hurt him!" To late. I heard the thud of a body hit the forest floor. I started running in a full sprint. Crying. Sobbing. My only brother taken down by The Black Shaggy dog. I was half way there when I heard " Lea , HELP! Lea, I love you! LEA! I'll miss-" Then it broke off. " Scottie?!?! Are still there!?!?! I love you, too!" I heard ripping and tearing. Still running , I finally got there and I froze. My knees gave out at the side of what was left of my only brother. And a new ,fresh and the BIGGEST sob I ever did in my ten years finally came. I cried so much. I was glad to cry 'cause it filled my eyes so I couldn't see the blood or bones or anything that was left of my brother. I rested my hands on the torn torso and sobbed over it. I finally lifted my hands and observed them. They were dripping of my brothers blood. Then I heard something that made me cry after I finished hearing it . "Lea." a strained vioce said . I looked ahead of me and didnt see anything. "Lea?" I looked at the torn torso up to the half eaten face.My eyes filled with shock and tears. "Scottie? Was that you?" I would be so happy if it was! "Ya.Its me.Lea.You know how moms big?" Where was he getting this? " Ya?" my vioce still hoarse from the tears. "And you thought she just was fat?" "Ya?" Seriously, where? " Shes pregnat." I froze again. "Girl or boy?" "Boy. So he'll replace me." What? "Not in my heart." I said, wishing that he hadn't said that." I love you, big brother." I said ,knowing that his time was up." Love you, too ,little sis." He went limp. I threw my arms over the remains and sobbed again. I looked up to see the dog standing there with my brothers leg in his mouth. He set it down beside him and seemed to say " Since I lost something ,were even." I screamed at the dog. "NO! NO WERE NOT EVEN!! HE WAS MY ONLY BROTHER!" And with that, I cried myself to sleep on his remains.