Eh, I never really said there was an alarm. Am at meh Dad's for the weekend and my step-mother is 8 3/4 months preggers and she just recently had to go to the hospital because she believed that she was in labor. Well, she didn't really. She just called the nurse at the hospilal, explained the crappy state she was in, and the nurse is like, "Oh, come on in! Come and wait for an hour so we can say, 'Oh, there's nothing wrong with you you're not in labor go home.'"
So my brother and I stayed home and played Kingdom Hearts II, I tried to beat Sephiroth and watched myself die about three times. I sung songs in Little Mermaid land! I beat Xemnas just so I could see him (because I've watched many funny parodies that have to do with him, so I just break into fits of laughter at the sight of him) AND just so I could see Sora and Riku being gay. Hehe...
My brother went to bed at 9:25-ish (yeesh...early) and I'm still up 8D It's 10:24-ish now. What fun. I should restart my book now or at least build on some raw material. Scratch that, how about START my book or at least MAKE some raw material. Gawd..
Oh, and just in case you didn't get it, she wasn't in labor ^^ Kinda scary. By the time this kid's 15, my dad will be 60 Dx The horror. And I'll be...Holy crap, 29!! 0.o;
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