Lonely reason- I find myself lying on the floor covered with sheets a fan turns slowly but something seems to hold it from going fast. What holds it from turning fan is the fan itself its very own reason of needing to have something to aid it. As I again still laying find myself become the very earth I lay on my mind fusing with the element of the world I find myself open to all the teachings that it teaches. I feel my mind open to new thoughts to findings to new ideas to the most important it sets me free, I need no aid I need nothing to need for my path to be set all find needing to need is my faith. I see the world for what it is simple and innocent, not as I see the beings on this earth. The beings on this earth seem to hate each other for no reason, for looks, for simple thing called life. Life must be given to get. Each time I see a bird, I see them with amusement for they are something really call free they can escape their worries, just by flapping their wings and they go higher then their hatred, higher then their enemies, Listen to the world and find nothing.

Time Is reticent – When you find yourself ageing you seem to ask yourself how is this happening I did not remember how I age, how did time go so fast? This is the response you hear inside your mind, you do not remember what you did not hear happen you find yourself ageing without question, you can’t stop this… But you can go up to find it and discover what you never knew you knew. Time does not go fast, it really goes slower then what you find yourself doing, time is a slow horrible power, it makes what you hate with passion be more horrible and bring more sorrow. Time walks aimlessly through time. It dishonors what we call pleasure, just a simple good memory; Time comes through you without resistance and thanks your memories little by little. Once you find it gone you are alone in mind. You find yourself lost without that thing you feel gone, that empty space inside you. Time is as pan assassin, so reticent you never hear it come by and thank your life. Listen to This World and find nothing.

Unlost Forgotten-They search the world aimlessly for nothing. They find what they don’t seek. They find that what they are looking for is never gone, they find that if they don’t seek they will find what they are looking for, and they call for it every second of their forgotten live even knowing they wont find what they search, but for some odd reason they search, If you ever saw the Forgotten you would understand why they search, they are the only one that see in world. They search those who see with eyes that are free, free to understand, free to understand what the true meaning of life.