Will you zeal the truth?
taken away from all...all this disease
will you take away?
The reason of my life?
The reason of the lies?
The way i hide.
The way i fell so much inside?
The knife sounds so sweet,
like the way you stab inside...
Inside my heart...the time you went away!
Ties the lies inside the wretched place,
the place were I keep my heart!
The blood spills from the walls!
I cant control the way I heart the beat
The beat of the disease,
Will you see my ways..
I fall and break...
taken away from this!
Curse the way I fall...inside..my mind.

I heard the wind call your name.
Only to awake from the night...
Heard and lost in this absence of my lonely soul,
I never knew that someone could be so...
Will I ever be relived?
The way we were was so speechless...
so beautiful!
So I lie in this place! Bleeding from my eyes,
Weeping by the wrist.
Will you read this last words,
the one tried before.
I lost my soul in this discourse
My heart ripped by its place,
I can't see the way..
to ever be!
I fall inside my conviction,
and I will fade,
Into the sole purpose of my alive!
Into the moment that I saw,
you were walking at my right!
Will I ever dream this again?
Could I ever be...alive like this?


Alright...lets start this poem...
lets start the rhythm of the back of my mind,
unrevised pressure of the moment you named.
the title of the place of my mind,
inside the place I call my home,
I walk inside it all over it all I do is write much,
Disturb by my alone, relived by your please,
Please, I can't say how to explain the moment I found,
Drugs sex its all the same lets just move,
Dance in the night without straight luck of the moment of will,
Do you think I allow those damn things fill my mind?
ya right let it burn in the fields.
Save myself for the end inside the will of death.
Read this many times you will,
and will you understand who i am?
In the time of the world.

Seeking the tomb within my alive,

Born to die in our very bodies...

Will the ones who seek the very thing,

become the one belief of lies.

Beauty within the word of life,

I can't believe that I am already dead.

Breaking and bleeding from the inside,

Saved of my very own remorse.

Alone for my first time,

Or was it that the only person with me was me?

The spirit of myself types the very words to speak,

I can't tell whats left of me...but I will say,

I can't breath.

This is reason to believe, That I've survived all this life,
All this broken pieces stabbing away at the bottom of my heart,
Only the world knows of what I have been through,
The pages written within this book with the broken spine,
Only left alone in the road on a rainy day,
The sun will never set on the east, Fade away in the west,
I can't forgive the beast, Thats inside me!
It tore the very strings of my life, Tore away the soul I love the most!
Will I become the human I once was...so long ago!
The way I walked, The way I talk was there,
Then I got lost in this dream. The one with you,
In this end waking up...I started to weep so intensely...
Finding out...That you were never there...
Looking into your eyes I see the reasonable things I never thought would be true,
Words cannot explain the things I want to feel again,
But lost in this life without a heart to feel, Without a mind to think,
I still walk on my own two feet,
Breathing so quickly as I walk up to the broken door,
I try to open the knob that isn't there,
Pressing on the door bell again, You will never answer...
The night I saw you before this happened was so right,
A moment that life gave me to be me. One last time.
Seeing you there so beautiful by the door.
Taking you by the hand we walked out of this world,
Straight into a path that we couldn't come back,
Or was it the way it seems?
We fell out off the edge of the world!
Only I felt you last cry, Your last love, Your last love...
Falling was the last thing I remember. Me and you...
Falling to the end of our lives...
Spoken words we have,
Exchange of so much things,
Never to know..How much alive...
The things we hide.
I hear myself. Saying so many different things,
Not knowing. That I am who i am,
Lost in the broken world of my alone,
Still going on thinking,
maybe you do think of me,
Looking up toward your face...The one not there,
Waking up to the cold harsh wind,
I cant understand myself,
But still I try to know what I do!
I walk upon this path,
In search of you.
Speaking the name I remember,
Still no one is there but you...
I lost myself to this...
In the end I wont see myself again...
Will I ever forget?