The cords of the note,
They sound with amazing tone,
The way I hear the world is the same,
take me away lock me with the insane,
I hear the voices they speak to me,
Listen to the words I cry for the worst,
I hear the place of love and curse,
But please don't take me away,
I've fallen, So don't take me...
Will you see? who I become...
What I've done.
I wont forget this.
I wont forget this ever again!
So let me try to find myself again!
My breath has left my step,
The rhythm of my heart wont keep me,
Still walk with me...this last time....
Just try to keep up. I wont ever stop,
I wont ever fail, to keep my pace!
I lost it all. For this goal, this dream,
I will end this. I will end this,
Then I wont ever try again.
To teach your boys, to teach your girls,
All these things that you wont ever tell,
You fear the unknown, I fear the right of life,
Don't take it away! Don't take it away!
Teach your children to never touch again.
To grow up. To grow up dead,
To grow up and make someone do that again.
Its not what we tell our children, its not that again.
But to teach them how to never touch,
To never touch...In a unaccepted way.
The time to bloom,
has come and left again,
The world has bloom so many times,
Yet to die again,
Will it ever bloom and stay that way?
So I will pray and try my best,
to make that dream come alive,
I just hear the echo of my voice,
it comes and fade away,
So silent I feel...
SO far away,
But always here again...
-is this all its going to be?-

Well one try?
To end the lies?
Spoken without truth,
lost in the consumed...
Broken in the image,
Lost in the collision...
Still I keep breathing,
Living on this life.
Speechless will I stay?
Only my heart knows,
Who I really am.
But still I see myself standing here....
Wondering why I been wondering all this time..
This time....
Who am I now?
Do I know who I become?
Will I still try to run this on?
So many combinations!
But all those things add to nothing,
Sometimes I search for the verse.
Still. I wonder...Who to do this...
Give me the answer to this question!
Will I keep wondering this?
Will I ever live freely?
Show me your ways.
I want to be with you.
Never without you!
Show me your ways of love!
I don't want to breathe without you ever again...
Show me the way you speak.
Your voice is so sweet!
Show me
Endless is my wonder...endless is the way.
Endless is the question...I love You?
Do I? Or is this my heart just dying to be yours.