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Kin-chan's Den of the Days
It used to be about me and my ramblings of life, but now it's solely created for my own pet collection. Christmas 05 Secret Santas included! :D :D Woot~
Roleplay with Kami. x3
Kamileun888: Chavu skulked quietly through the golden grasses of the savannah, sighing softly. It was hotter than hell, as usual, and his black fur wasn't helping that. He felt it hampered him constantly, and on the hotter days he was always stopping to rest. If only hunting at night were easier. His ears perked lightly as a new scent reached his nose, and he squinted lightly.

Joy! A waterhole was coming up. He increased his pace...there would surely be prey animals about as well...he hadn't eaten a good meal in at least a day, and his belly had been grumbling all morning.

KinreiYoru: Chachili, on the other hand, was used to these hot days. The High Grass, her home, often heated up fast. Today, the klipspringer decided, was the day that she would visit the Waterhole. It wasn't too far off, and the water there would help cool her off. She could dip in it, and possibly find some plants to chew, as well. Perfect. Soon enough, the grey klipspringer had set off. All was well, and Chachili felt that this day would be the same as any other. She wasn't afraid of predators... they usually came and went, and would usually rather chat to her than attempt to kill her. So she wasn't really bothered when she scented a lion not too far off. Ah, never mind. Life goes on, as per usual.

Kamileun888: Chavu, coming up on the water hole, spotted the klipspringer immediately. It was a bit small, but, he usually had to settle for small things. He was just one lion, afterall, and it was incredibly difficult to bring down big animals on his own, unless he got lucky. He went into a stalking mode, silently slinking down the slope that lead to the water, beginning to close in on the little grey animal.

KinreiYoru: Chachili tensed as she noticed the scent getting stronger, and felt a prescence behind her. Ah, she knew this sensation. There was something watching her, wasn't there? Regardless, the klipspringer bent down and began to chew upon some grasses she'd found. She didn't know where the predator was, but when it appeared, she'd most likely befriend it... or teach it some manners with her hooves. That was how things usually went, anyway... today was no different, right?

Kamileun888: Chavu was fairly desperate...and very tired of being forced to gnaw the dry bones of week old kills he scavenged sometimes. He slunk even closer, using the grass to try and conceal himself, tongue sticking out lightly in concentration as he tried to get as close as possible. He, of course, had no idea what the little klipspringer had in store...he'd never spoken to any prey item before and he rarely got any large kills besides...most of his life he'd done fine with small mammals and scavening.

KinreiYoru: Chachili felt a tingling sensation at the base of her neck, and it ran all the way down 'till it reached her back. There was no denying this feeling. The creature was closing in on her, checking her out. She shuddered, her old instincts coming back to her. The scent was strong, and growing stronger still. The winds were right, and Chachili could feel someone there. But where?! She turned, and her ears flicked nervously. She never felt this uneasy. There was something not quite right about how this stalker was acting. It didn't blindly leap out at her, or threaten her by facing her face-to-face. It was clever, and had concealed itself. Chachili's muscles quivered, preparing for an attack.

Kamileun888: Chavu licked his chops, the saliva already beginning to thicken in his mouth at the thought of fresh food. This little thing looked plump, too, and he couldn't wait to gorge himself. He stiffened a little as she began to look around...it seemed all the little animals had a sense of things when they were being hunted. He was just lucky the grass was tall here, sometimes he really stuck out, like a big sore, black thumb. He waited a few more moments, feeling the tension thicken in the air, his claws out, kneading softly into the earth.

And in a great rustling whirr, he whipped out of the grass, charging for the little grey klipspringer, red eyes glued to her form, ready for the chase of the hunt.

KinreiYoru: Chachili bolted. She could feel the blood pumping through her body, and her heart racing as she leapt from the grass patch and attempted to make her escape. This predator was serious. He was dangerous. He couldn't be trusted. She swerved, and cried out, hoping that help would come. This was Africa, though... who would save a little klipspringer, running from a fierce... lion, was it? She didn't stop to look back. She didn't stop to catch a deeper bit of his scent. Instead, she ran. One step, two steps, three steps... With every bound, she grew weaker. The sun bore down, and it was taking it's toll on her body. She had been unprepared for an attack, and would pay the price. Chachili slowed, and took a tumble.

Kamileun888: Chavu wasn't an evil creature, by far...but being a predator, he just needed to eat. Tobari had always told him never to get friendly with his food, and he'd usually followed that rule. But unfortunately, like the klipspringer, the sun was causing him to suffer as well. Why had he chosen the hottest part of the day to hunt again? His tongue lolled as his black fur heated, his shaggy mane quivering as he ran, heart pounding in his small rounded ears. Just as the klipspringer tumbled, he jumped up to pounce, but something bad happened. The big lion's vision blurred, and he crashed ontop of the little creature, collapsing over her as he blacked out for a moment, the heat and his pounding heart too much to take.

KinreiYoru: Chachili flinched as her pursuer fell upon her. At first, she felt a slight raking of claws upon her flank, but then realised that the lion had little strength left to give, and that the claws were but brushing past her skin. Had... it given up? She let out a heavy sigh of relief, but felt sick at the same time. It was still upon her, and could slit her throat at any minute. First, it's eyes would flicker open, and then it's jaws would flash before her eyes... and she'd feel the warm, sticky blood drip down her body. At least, that was how Chachili imagined it. She paused, and realised that she had to prevent that at all means necessary. Stumbling to her hooves, and trying to pull herself away from the collapsed lion, Chachili grunted. "What in all of the plains do you think you're DOING, you... KILLER THING, you?!"

Kamileun888: Chavu moaned quietly, his eyes squeezed shut. His head was swirling, and when he opened his eyes everything spun. He panted, and that cleared up soon enough, though he was still shaken. This had never happened to him before, but he knew it had been foolish to go frolicking about in the hottest part of the day. He struggled to sit up, only to remember his prey, which was...yelling at him, now. He must have seemed awfully silly...he was surprised he hadn't squished the little thing. It dawned on him how bizarre this situation was, the little klipspringer scolding him like that, and he couldn't help but smirk widely. "Guy's gotta eat, you know, circle of life and all that." he said, flopping forward to a laying position, still panting softly.

KinreiYoru: "Guys gotta' eat, my HOOF!" Chachili grumbled, pulling herself free and getting to her feet. She shook the dust from her pelt, and shot the lion a dark look, "You predators should really take on a new diet, you know. Plants taste much, much better than dead, rottin' flesh, after all." Her heart was still pounding fast, and she felt a little irritated. She hadn't even had time to pull of her special 'boxing moves' (that a hare had taught her ages ago), and had instead fled, rather than confronting her foe. Shaking her head, Chachili tried to see sense. Her instincts had caused her to break into a run. Adrenalin had pulsed through her body. But, in the end, the heat of the day had saved her skin.
"And all that circle of life stuff... it's pure RUBBISH!" Chachili snapped, ignorant to the fact that she, too, followed the circle by nibbling on the grass each morning, "Why, I oughta' box you between your ears, lion. Stand up, come on, and get a drink. Seeing you roll around under me is darn right pathetic !"

Kamileun888: Chavu's smile remained. What was happening seemed absolutely surreal to him, and he even felt a bit guilty. Getting his breath a bit, he did as he was told, and rose to his feet, turning to lumber off with her toward the water. "Well, grass doesn't exactly sit right with me, y'see." he said. He'd tried it once too, but never again after that. "I'd eat fish if it were more plentiful, but..." he shrugged as he reached the water, sitting at the edge and dipping his muzzle down to take a long drink from the watering hole. "You're part of it too. You eat, don't you?" he asked, red eyes shifting down to look at her, the grin on his maw still present.

KinreiYoru: Chachili scowled, and gave a slight pout, though she found herself feeling less angry. In place of her anger came fatigue, but as soon as she reached the edge she started to wade in. Being a klipspringer, Chachili had no need to drink, as she usually got all her water from the succulent plants she fed upon. However, these past few days, Chachili had been gorging herself on grasses near her home, and now was suffering of a bad thirst. She lapped up some water, greedily, her back not turned, as she was aware that the lion could strike again, at any time. He was cleverer than most. Chachili hadn't had a chase in quite a while. Still, she shook it off. He seemed friendly enough, and she wondered if she could strike a conversation with the predator. Her question was answered without her having said a word... the lion began to speak, and as he did, Chachili's ears twitched thoughtfully. "I do eat," she said, ignoring his comments on grass (as she thought he wasn't speaking sense. She herself loved the grasses! Surely the other animals should, too...) and wading further into the waterhole's shallower end, "The eating part of the circle is fine. It's the eaten thing I don't agree with." She screwed her nose up. "I don't like being hunted, not one bit, and the Circle of Life proclaims that I am your food. Which isn't true. I don't know who came up with those rules... maybe those big shots at Pride Rock?" She shook her head, "Who knows. Who cares, for that matter."
Chachili wasn't the easiest person to get along with...

Kamileun888: "I can't help it." Chavu lay down, submerising his chest and paws into the water, huffing softly in relief. "Eating plants upsets my stomach." he explained further, yawning, and sighing. He was still hungry....but he could never eat this. Not when she was talking away to him. "I'm sorry I went after you. I haven't had something to eat in forever. Lions just need meat." He said, yawning widely. "I dunno who made it up. Makes sense enough to me, but I'm still sorry." he said, his tail sweeping the dust behind him. He'd just have to hunt down little things later, probably just mice or rabbits or something...and even rabbits were hard to get sometimes. He drank more, enjoying the cool water as it soaked into his fur.

KinreiYoru: Chachili sighed, and accepted the fact. It seemed like plants just didn't agree with predators. She'd tried to convince one to eat vegetation before, and even that attempt had failed. Still, it seemed like this lion had given up on spilling her blood, which made her relax a little more. She'd be ready, muscles tightened, if he sprung again. However, so far, so good. The lion looked too tired to run. "Hmmph. Upset stomach? Who would have thought that lions would have such a weakness," in saying this, she chuckled, and her eyes glittered with humour, "But then again, it seems that the chase has weakened you, too. Both of us, to be exact. Well, as long as you don't try it again, I'll see if I can find it in my heart to forgive you, uh... eerr, what did you say your name was again?" At this, she blinked. The lion had not given her his name yet, it seemed, and if he had, Chachili had been too worried about his threat to listen. "I guess I should tell you the name of the one who escaped your claws," the grey preybeast stuck up her nose, "It's Chachili. Don't forget it."

Kamileun888: Chavu had tried more than once out of desperation a few times. It had been silly, and it had tasted awful. "Indeed." he said in response to the comment on weakness. He wouldn't mind being able to eat grass...if only he could enjoy the taste and digest it properly. "It certainly would be easier, perhaps. It's hard to hunt to eat..." he said, nodding. "I won't try it again...it's too hot." he said with a teasing smirk. "Oh. Name's Chavu." he smirked toothily. "Good to meet you, Chachili."

KinreiYoru: Chachili nodded. "Good to meet you, too, Chavu," she said, sincerly, though still a little shaken from the run they'd had beforehand, "I'm glad it's 'meet' instead of 'eat', though." However, she shook off the subject as quickly as she had brought it up, not wanting to lay more guilt on the lion she had just met. It was the last thing she wanted... so she'd have to act a little less cocky from now on. "You'd eat it, huh?" she tilted her head to one side, and raised an eyebrow thoughtfully, "Well, I suppose that's the thing. If I ate meat, I'd be feeling sick myself." She paused, "My fawns, in fact, will be getting hungry soon...I guess I should be heading back." Chachili instantly regretted having mentioned her fawns. She just hoped that if she left, Chavu wouldn't follow... though, he did seem sincere enough. "Well, it's been interesting, Chavu," Chachili arose, and gave a grin, "I wouldn't mind having a nice exercise with you again. Let's just hope that the next time we meet, it'll be another hot day."

Kamileun888: He chuckled lightly, wallowing in the water some, churning it and making his paws muddy. "Yes, I'm glad as well. And yes, I would eat it. Maybe. Little prey animals certainly do eat a lot, but one kill can hold me for quite a while." he said...he'd gone nearly a week without a good meal, and as excrutiating as that had been he'd managed to pull through. He smirked as she understood and took it from his point of view, ears flickering a bit at the mention of children, feeling another small pang of guilt. "Aah. Well, I won't keep you then." he said with a small grin. "Sorry for the trouble." he said, and simply remained where he was. He was going to find a shady place to nap after she left.

KinreiYoru: Chachili grinned, mischief painted all over her face. "Well, I'd best be on my way!" She announced, and came splashing from the shallow water, shaking water droplets from her now-cooled pelt as she went. Her eyes glittered as she took one last look at the lion whom had almost ended her life... funny, that. Now that she had talked with him, he didn't seem like such a monster after all. When she finished shaking, she trotted to the bank and turned to leave. However, as she trotted away, she gave a sheepish grin. "Well, maybe I should try meat someday, Chavu," she called over her shoulder, smiling, "Watch your back!" She said this warmly, though. "Hopefully, one day, we'll meet again!" And, with that, she trotted off towards the HighGrass. Home.

Kamileun888: Chavu grinned, and didn't move as she left the water, only watching quietly, letting her leave. He knew life was rarely fair on the savannah but he was quietly glad he hadn't orphanned her young. He wasn't that cold-hearted, and it was always a little sad to see creatures torn from their parents at young ages, even though it happened all the time. "I'm sure we'll cross paths again eventually!" he called, back, and forced himself to his feet, lumbering off in the opposite direction to a small cluster of trees in the distance.

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