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Kin-chan's Den of the Days
It used to be about me and my ramblings of life, but now it's solely created for my own pet collection. Christmas 05 Secret Santas included! :D :D Woot~
Kin's Pets
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Chachili was feeling rather full. All day she had gorged on fresh, lucious grass. It had been a rare event, but Chachili had found herself some grass worth chewing and had spent hours upon hours feasting on the juicy vegetation.

Having eaten her fill, the grey klipspringer tilted her head, trying to listen for the sound of trickling water. Her appetite had been filled, but she was feeling a little thirsty.

"The sun sure was hot today," she yawned, stretching her hind legs as she searched for some kind of liquid to lap up, "I'd better drink something before I up and die... or dehydrate. One of the two."

But where could Chachili find water? She was a wanderer, a rogue deer that traveled around a lot without a herd. She didn't know her way around the savannah well, as she never stayed long enough to learn about it.

"Water, water..." she grunted, stumbling through the grass. She hoped she wouldn't find any predators about. That would be misfortunate, especially as Chachili was very, very thirsty.

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Minty, aka Kijani, was never too fond of hot days--or nights for that. She was more of a "breeze" kind of cheetah as she liked to call herself. She thought she was much like the breeze she liked so much in a hot afternoon--never staying in one place long enough to settle down. It had been some time since she had left her family in pursuit of her dreams--those to find a place in which she would feel paceful enough to actually stay.

The female cheetah travelled across the savannah without an aim like she always did. Her destination that day was the grassy lands on the border of the coalition lands for she liked resting reacefully in an enviroment she could easily blend in. Being green made her stand out even as a cheetah, though she had the usual spots. She liked the attention but it could get tiresome.

As she approchaed her destination she realized she was not going to be alone in the grassy area since her eyes caught the silhouette of a stranger standing in the middle of it. Being as friendly as she was, Minty called out "Hey there! Mind if i join you?" She could not make out from the silhoutte what kind of an animal the stranger was and her curiosity was provoked..

Chachili had been fussing around, until she heard a twig snap underfoot, and a voice calling out to her. Chachili, caught off-guard, spun around in fright.

"Who's there?" she asked, her heart beating fast. It had been a minute until her heart had slowed back to it's normal pace, with the frightened klipspringer realising that the voice had a friendly tone.
But for how long would it remain friendly?

Chachili tensed up again, peering through the grasses. She moved slowly, cautiously, trying to remain undetected. This seemingly friendly voice could lunge out at her at any moment. If it did, Chachili wanted to be as ready as she possibly could.

"Who's there?" she asked, voice shaking a little, "You'd better not be wanting trouble. I can kick like a zebra, you know. After all, I'm an experienced fighter... I've killed and eaten two wild dogs, I'll have you know."

These were rather obvious lies, but it made Chachili feel much more secure and in control of things when she told them. Her name did translate to 'ignorant', after all, and Chachili lived up to her name well.

With extreme caution, the grey klipspringer gathered up her courage and stepped out into the open, hoping to confront the stranger. It was most likely just a hare, or something. Nothing to worry about, right?

Minty sensed the fear in the stranger's voice... It was definitely not a lion then, or possibly not a cheetah.. Maybe, the green female thought, it is some sort of gazelle that came to have a snack on the grass? All four legged prey animals were gazelle to Minty who was never much of a hunter anyways.

"I am Kijani" she yelled as she walked towards the stranger just to see that she was right, it was indeed not a predator. She swished her tail happily behind her, she had never met a gazelle before! This must be a brave one for she had not run away at the immediate sight of her.

"Trouble?" she asked and laughed "It is too hot for trouble.. I am here just to relax a little.. The coalition lands..." she looked back, pointing at the mentioned place with her head "...can be noisy" At the stranger's comment about fighting Minty smiled "Good... So if some bad-willed creature apprcoahed you can kick them for both of us, for I am not very good at that" She was exaggerating perhaps, but she also knew she was no hunter unlike her many cheetah and lion friends.

"What's your name anyways, Ms Gazelle?" she asked curiously.

Chachili's eyes widened as the cheetah stepped forward. It had been camouflaged well among the grass... the cheetah's pelt had a greenish tint to it. If the big cat had been a hunter... Chachili shuddered to think what could have followed.
Still, the cat seemed to be more friendly than not. Luck was on the klipspringer's side today. Feeling much more confident, Chachili decided to talk with the strangely positive cheetah. Things could turn out interesting, and Chachili could ask her about water.

"It is rather hot today, isn't it?" Chachili's voice was calmer now, but still a little distrusting, "Ms... Kijani. You are quite right. It is much too hot for a fight, so I'd rather avoid one if possible. But if you try anything..."

Chachili knew what would happen if Kijani did try something... she'd most likely be killed quickly, eaten and digested. Fearfully, she shook the thought from her head.

"I'm Chachili," she replied, "A Klipspringer. A deer. I'd rather not be called a gazelle, thankyou very much. And you... a lion? No, you'd be a cheetah. I've wrestled with one of your kind before."

Another lie. This was Chachili's first encounter with one of Minty's kind.

"Well, Kijani," Chachili raised her head and stepped forward, "Would you happen to know of any place with water? I think there's something over that way," she tilted her head in the direction she had described, "But I seem to scent a few hyenas... and I don't like tangeling with those scum. Not that I can't win, or anything."

Minty nodded "Although Kijani is my name most of my friends call me Minty" she shrugged "Please feel free to call me such. I like it better than my real name anyways" The cheetah smiled. The stranger whom Minty learned to have the name of Chachili was pleasant and kind-looking. Not many four leggeds which her kind usually regarded as 'prey' were... though never meeting one before Minty was not the best judge of that.

"I am more vegetarian than a carnivore" Minty felt the need to explain and she was not lying. Though she would eat meat now and then it would be if she was invited by a friend to share their prey; she would not hunt one herself. The only fight Minty would get into would be either to protect herself or those whom she cared about.

"Oh my mistake.. I always thought your kind were... gazelles" Minty sounded slightly embarassed by this fact. She had immense knowlegde about herbs and medicine yet none about the prey animals surrounding her. "A lion, by gods, no" she laughed "You are right I am a cheetah..." She did not believe in the wrestlign story of the klipspringer but did not attempt to correct her.

Goodies... She realized that resting in the grass was not a blessing she would get that day after hearing Chachili's question. She got up from where she was sitting and nodded as to mean she was positive "Yes there is a watering hole that way, but I do not like hyenas so let's avoid that one and..." she made a ninety deggree turn ".. go in that direction if you wish. There is one not too far away.. a few minutes walk.." She smiled "I will lead the way.. After all I need some water as well.." she did not, but the thought of leaving this small one all by herself in the wilderness bothered her.

"Minty, huh?" Chachili's eyes softened, as they usually did when she felt at ease, "Minty's a fine nickname to be stuck with. I wouldn't know... I haven't come across many in my lifetime. Always travelling and wandering, that's who I am. I should be able to meet others on the way, but I've been practically in solitude for a lot of my life. Still, it's nice to meet a big cat that doesn't want to gnaw upon my bones."

Chachili trotted nearer to the cheetah, wanting to get a good glance of the cat up close. She was a large thing, compared to the smaller klipspringer, and had those large, intimidating fangs and claws that many of the feline kind had. However, her eyes were bright, and Chachili could not help but feel curious as to what kind of cheetah Minty really was.

"A herbivore, huh?" Chachili grinned, laughing a little, "I ain't heard of many of your kind being vegetarians. Say, do you like grass? I spend most of my life looking for the perfect grass, and it's very much worth it. If we get near water, we'll be able to find some to really sink our teeth into. That is, if you eat grass. What do you eat, Minty?"

A cheetah that didn't eat meat seemed a little too much of a far-fetched story to Chachili. She decided to test Minty, to see if she was the real deal. Would she like grass? Was she partial, even, to the rare fruits and nuts that grew in rare spots around the savannah?

Chachili paused her thinking to listen to Minty's directions. Nodding, she decided to follow the green cheetah. There wasn't too much harm in doing that, right?

"I'll come, then," she nodded, flicking her ears, "I'm that thirsty, I'm telling you."

Another wandered huh? Minty was surprised such a small creature would wander off alone, without her herd to protect her behind... She truly admired the courage Chachilli seemed to have. Whether it came from inside of the stories the deer told to fool herself, did not matter to Minty for once her respect was earned, it could not be lost so quickly.

"I don't think you will meet many herbivores on your journey though, so you would better be aware and on your sesnse so you can use those fighting abilities of yours when needed" Minty felt the need to warn her new friend. It was true, she was the closest thing to a herbivore she knew, and all her acquaintances would jump on this poor little deer and finish her in a blink of the eye, sadly.

She then shook her head "No, grass is really not my thing. I preffer fruit... Say bananas and such.. though it is hard to come across them in this dried up piece of land..." Minty was not always a herbivore.. when she was living with her family, she would go on hunts and was just like any other cheetah.. yet somewhere along her journey she decided life was just too precious to be consumed as food and refused to hunt for food.

As they approached the watering hole Minty felt glad she decided to tag along for she snesed there were some other ones of her own kind around, possibly looking for the mid-day snack. "This is your lucky day then" she said, smiling friendly, and poting at the watering hole which now lay in front of their eyes with all its might "...for you can drink all you want from here"

Chachili was impressed.

"So you do know about the rare fruits of Africa," she grinned, seeing the cheetah in a new light, "That's certainly something that many cheetahs don't bother learning about these days. Bananas are rather delightful fruits, aren't they? Though, give me grass anyday. I suppose it's in my blood."

She winked at Minty, trotting alongside the cat comfortably. Minty had certainly impressed her, and had won over her trust. Which wasn't that great a feat, as Chachili's trust was easily won. Still, the klipspringer did not fear the cat quite as much anymore. Conversing about fruit was an enjoyable thing for Chachili to do, and it was surprising that she was engaged in conversation with a cheetah, of all things!

"Whoah, that's a lot of water, Minty," Chachili's eyes locked onto the pool of water just ahead of them. Was it the sea? No, the sea was said to be much larger than this, in legends that the deer had heard. But the water-hole was large. Chachili was delighted, wagging her stumpy tail like a dog.

"Thanks," she smiled, "For bringing me here. I'd have never known a cheetah to be so helpful."

(( I need to go really soon! xD Sorry about that! Maybe we should wrap this up? ;D But seriously, this has been really fun! xP Could we possibly roleplay again, another day, Chemi? n___n- ))

((of course! i was gona ask the same thing msyelf for i have to go now too^^ it was a pleasure and thank you so much^^))

Minty giggled as she watched the sun reflect on the glassy surface of the water "I am knowlegdable about trees and herbs, yes... and I daresay it has been useful to me now and then..." She remembered the times where she had used several herbs to attend to the wounds of friends. Herbs and trees were magi, they carried life within them and did not hesitate to give it away. "I suppose as a deer it is onyl normal you like the grass the way you do! Like lions like meat..." she stopped "Oh pardon me.. That was arther rude of me was it not?" She curses herself for mentioning meat in the presence of the subject, according to a lion's point of view.

"No, that is a small lake" the cheetah smiled "though I have never seen a sea so I cannot really tell!" She wanted to see the sea for so long, but she knew she had to travel far away from all the things she knew to get there. Maybe some day... she thought, someday she would get there and not regret it.

She leaned down and drank water in a few gulps. She felt refreshed... now she could go on her wandering without stopping at the grassy area. She felt the wanderlust swell in her again. The green female turned to Chachilli "It was a pleasure to meet you little one... Here you should be safe, though at nightfall a few predators like to occupy here so you might want to move on before that... and please do remember.. My kind and all the other big cats.. They are not like me" After a fresh pause, Mintu continued "They will want to hurt you and hunt you down... So please stay alert" She was worried about this little one yet she knew they could not travel toegther. She would attract too much attention to be safe.

The cheetah smiled and turned around "Maybe we will meet again on our journeys!" she called out happily before she trotted off to the horizon--for that was her limit.

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