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Kin-chan's Den of the Days
It used to be about me and my ramblings of life, but now it's solely created for my own pet collection. Christmas 05 Secret Santas included! :D :D Woot~
Syrius Lionwing

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Her mother always said she was a tom boy, and she lived up to that fact every day. Her favourite line and most uttered phrase was her ear boxing championship rant. She considered herself the greatest hare boxer in the world, boxing though was a males sport not really meant for dainty young ladies, good job then that she was no dainty lady!

As a kit she had been dubbed induna, which literally meant male, though later her mother had tried to change it to something more flowery she had refused clinging to her name like a litchen. Deep brow eyes scanned the savannah, there wasn’t a lick of wind today, everything was still and quiet and flies buzzed about her ears irritably. Those dark cups flickered and twitched as she stood there on her hind legs waiting for any breath of a breeze to move the long grasses. It didn’t seem like it was coming though and she sighed, dropping down in to her form and sitting exceedingly still, silent and scentless. As with any hare, her silent moments were times when she was pretty damn difficult to find unless you stood on her.

((LOl i rp'd 29 pets at once once that was manic XD!))

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And that's almost exactly what Chachili did.
She had been minding her own business, walking across the savannah, searching for some nice, fresh grass to gnaw upon. It was rare to find such grass in this area... most of the grasses were rather rough upon the tongue, or dried out, robbing the grass of it's fresh flavour that Chachili enjoyed so much.

However, Chachili had spotted a greener patch not so far away. She had, with caution, stepped into the longer grass to find her was to the nicer stuff... and her hoof had almost met with something white and fluffy.

Chachili stepped backwards, a little shocked. Was that a... rabbit? She hoped the bunny hadn't noticed how close her hoof had been before. But what would this rabbit do? It was only a rabbit, right? Not at all that vicious.

Little did she know that this rabbit seemed to have a little more spice than most of the others Chachili had encountered.

Syrius Lionwing
Induna had leapt to her feet by the mere brush of the hoof upon her white and black back. Diving about a foot away she turned and cocked her ears at the klipspringer her deep chocolate brown eyes curious. "Ey, why don't you watch where ya goin' lady? You could hurt someone, namely ME, with those great clompin' hoovs!" She raised a brow to the little grey deer type creature standing as tall as she could her dark ears waggling back and forth in a rather comical manner. Her nose wrigglled and the slender hare made a little grunting sniffing sound. "well you ere for a fight missis? I'll ave you know I'm the greatest ear boxer round 'ere noone stands on me without a fight!" She was cocky to say the least, she was always like this, though in reality she was a friendly critter she liked to show her strengths and be on ehr guard. This beastie was definately not a meat eater so she was safe on that front, but hooved could crush and break a hare if they were clumbsy.

"You best be givin' me your name if I'm gunna fight ya!" She states quite suddenly "Names Induna, greatest boxin' hare accross the savannah, prolly heard of me huh? Don't let them tell ya I'm a guy though! It's just the name I'm a better boxer than any of the males roun' here yanno?!" she looked the klipspringer up and down once again. maybe she was nibblign off more than she could chew here?

((btw I log all my rps in word so if you need it just ask ^_^!))

Chachili blinked. Was this rabbit telling her off? She had always seen rabbits as small, timid creatures who lived completely different lives in little holes in the ground. But this bunny seemed more confident than most, and the truth was that Chachili had not encountered many other bunnies at all.

"Well, sorrrrry. But it just so happens that you were in my way. And unless you are a piece of fresh grass, I have no interest in you whatsoever, bunny!"

Chachili always spoke like this. She was fairly rude, and often did not care for the feelings of those she met. Her name meant 'ignorant', after all, and Chachili acted true to her name.
She took a few steps forward, ignoring the fuming bunny. But the rabbit's yells and shouts caught her ear.

"well you ere for a fight missis? I'll ave you know I'm the greatest ear boxer round 'ere noone stands on me without a fight!"

"A... fight, eh?" Chachili grinned, turning her head back to the rabbit, "Is that a challenge, Indura? Sure, I'll take you up on that offer. I, 'Chachili', have my pride, too... and I'm an excellent fighter. I could wrestle a cheetah with no effort at all, I could."

She leaned forward, her blue eyes glimmering with excitement. She was starting to like this 'Indura' character. Indura had spunk. And she seemed like she could provide Chachili with quite a lot of morning entertainment...

((Issokay! x3 I'm logging it away in Word, too. Thankyou, though! =D
x3 I love Indura's cockiness! *tackleglomps Indura* ))

Syrius Lionwing
((hehe I enjoy playing her she's alot of fun XD!))

Induna glared at the little deer and grunted again, this time the grunt came from her chest. Oh this critter wanted a fight huh? "Well I'v boxed a lions ears before what makes you think taht you ave a chance hmm?" She raised a brow "And who are you calling 'bunny' ? I'm a Hare! I'm no bloody ground diggin' rabbit so you best get your facts straight!" She grunted unhappily. She hated above all else to be called a bunny! She wasn't a rabbit despite their similarities, rabbits were frightened creatures that ran from everything a hare was brave if a little insane and didn't live in a hole in the ground. all that dirt! Yuk!

"You lady should be watchin' wheer ya puttin ya great clompy feet, cause I dunno what the heck you think y'are but I'v beaten bigger things than you in mah sleep now put up ya dukes!" With that the hares front paws came up in front of her face like a real pair of fists, she had done this many times, usually it never acctually came down to a fight, but this deer thingie was asking for it!

"Hares, bunnies, rabbits, what's the differance?" Chachili scoffed, shooting an almost equally cocky grin Indura's way, "They've all got four legs, big, floppy ear-thingies and hop around everywhere! Unless you can prove me otherwise... I've been searching for a worthy oponent. Thing is, I've killed and eaten three wild-dogs in my life, I have!"

Chachili, of course, was lying. She hadn't even met a wild-dog before, let alone killed any. Chachili, also, had hardly tasted anything other than her beloved vegetarian meals, yet she strongly felt the need to boast. She was beginning to enjoy all this attention from the hare. And it was no wonder she had never met a rabbit like Indura... Indura wasn't a rabbit!
Nethertheless, Chachili hated to be proven wrong.

"Prove to me you're not a bunny," Chachili laughed, eyes gleaming vibrantly with enthusiasm, "And come and get me!"

Chachili, however, couldn't help feeling a little intimidated by the hare, who was now waving her paws around in a strange manner. A female boxing hare? Surely not!

Chachili was no fighter, but she instead made up for it with her sharp, lying tongue. Was she about to suffer for it?

Syrius Lionwing
Induna was starting to feel rather unbelieving of this little deer now. A breeze whipped in her ears and she took a deep breath, clearly the wind was all she needed to add a bounce to her step. She jumped quite suddenly as high as the tall grass they were standing in her paws clipped out and stung along one of Chachuli's ears before she raced all the way around the back of the klipspringer only to arrive directly where she had started from her stance the same on her back legs, her paws in the air like a pair of small fuzzy boxing gloves. "You ever seen a bunny do that hmm?" she hopped from one paw to the other keeping herself upright while her ears waggled about manically. Now that the wind was up she would get wild, the wind was like fuel for her it drove her a bit insane while at the same time made her more active. It was often times she came in to these situations when she was tearing throught he grass in one of her mad wind driven frenzies.

"Now you gunna appologise or do I have ta get rough with ya hmm?" she gnashes her front teeth together those sharp sparkling white incisors flashing.

Chachili flinched. The jab had come rather quickly, and the Klipspringer had not been expecting it at all. Taking a few steps back, the pain stinging in her ear, Chachili faltered.

"Why, you..." she growled, her blue eyes flashing with fury, "Ain't nothing on me wounded now but my pride! I don't know how exactly you managed to touch me, but you've either got super-special agility or a great deal of bloomin' luck!" she bowed her head, and scraped one of her front hooves against the dirt, "But I assure you, it won't happen again! Charge!"

Chachili ran straight at the hare, but found herself running in the wrong direction... the hare was certainly hard to see amongst all the grass surrounding them. Mortified, Chachili realised that this was not going to be her victory.

"Apology?" Chachili puffed, trying to charge again, but losing sight of the hare once more, "Well... that is..."

She was seriously considering it. Now, apologising didn't seem that big of a deal.

Syrius Lionwing
Induna watched the little deer charge a few times she was'nt sure if she was amused or felt sorry for the creature but she was fairly easy to side step. hertail twitched and she blinked a few times. "You know you'll see alot better if ya don't keep puttin yer ed down" she chuckled lightly hopping up right beside Chichulli she had a feeling that the kipspringer couldn't turn fast enough to get her if she stood right at her flanks. "Now, ow about it hmm? Just say ya sorry, you nearlly bout squished me yanno?" she clicked her tongue then dissapearing in to the grass though her voice rose over the bristle of the dry stems.

She reappeared a few feet in front of the little deer once again a drin on her face. "you know for somone who aint a hare you aint half bad, gotta lotta spunk kid! least you'll know next time not to mess with a hare. we're fiesty beggers yanno?" she bounded through the grass leaping as high as the brownish stems, she was clearly in high spirits now.

Chachili sighed.
"Fine," she grumbled, "I guess I've met my match. However, I'm just not feeling up-to-it today. Guess I'm just tired, that's it. Tired from all my other battles. I'm a very hard Klipspringer to face, usually. Well, apologies, then, Indura."

She said it kind of bitterley, but grew a little more light-hearted as the hare praised her.

"I'm not half-bad?" Chachili asked, tilting a head side-ways, "Why, of course not! A little more training and I should be up to even your standards, Missus Boxing Hare Indura. In fact, one day, when I'm feeling more energetic, we'll have to have a re-match. What do you say?"

She followed the hare with her eyes carefully, not letting Indura slip from her view. She didn't want Indura to leave her, not without Chachili getting at least some of her dignity back.

Syrius Lionwing

Induna chuckled ligthly her laughter echoeing above the grass. "well yanno nothin can beat a hare, meself I'v faced up to lions before, big bloody idiots they are, with their fuzzy 'eds" she grunted and appeard directly in front of the klipspringer once again her head turning slightly to look at the grey femme. "hmm maybe you could but I dunno you aint got no paws yasee? ta box properly you have to stand up and put ya dukes up!" She grins taking a few steps backwards her frotn paws jabbing at the air.

"yav got alot to learn though, one day we'll ave a rematch when you can box hows that?" she smirked, noone but a hare could box, she had attempted to teach a lion once and the creature kept falling over backwards. Of course teachig somehting that didn't exactly have fists seemed like a challange. "awrioght ow bout this? Yopu come back tomorrow and I'll teach ya how to box?" she smirked, it might be a bit of fun and more than likely a good laugh, would the little deer even be able to stand on ehr back legs? the questions were endless really.

With that said, she dipped beneath the long grass againa nd vanished reappearing every so often a white and black blur.

((hehe sorry for wrapping but I'm gunna go for a little nap before work. not in ti l 4 pm and i'm sleepy! I'd love to rp again some time XD!! These two seem to me like they would make firm friends eventually XD!))

"Faced a lion?" Chachili said, eyes widening, "Y'mean, you weren't bluffing about that? I mean, neither was I... about being able to wrestle and cheetah, and killing 3 wild-dogs. Those are all very true stories, they are."

The lies were pretty obvious, but Chachili didn't mind. She enjoyed boasting like this all the time, and a few of these lies wouldn't hurt right now. She was proud of her stories, true or not, and loved to tell them.

"Boxing, eh?" Chachili dipped her head forward to stare at her two front hooves. They were very much unlike the hare's long, fluffy forepaws, and seemed unsuitable for any sort of boxing. Yet, Chachili's pride gripped her, "I can try anything with these. They may not look like much, but if I use them... well, I can trample heaps of things. They're almost as hard as diamonds, these hooves. Tell you what, I'll take you up on this boxing thing. A tuition sounds great. Once I'm able to master those moves, I'll be able to take you down!"

Chachili lifted her head, and then watched as the hare bounded away. She was a little disheartened to see Indura go, but decided that her dignity had been redeemed, at least for now. Indura had been the victor. It was fair. Chachili just needed to face it.

"See you tomorrow, 'en?" she called after the hare, hoping that Indura would hear her.

A teacher, hmmm? A lesson, eh? To Chachili, it didn't sound all too bad.

(( xD No problemo, I'd say it's a good ending for a good roleplay! <3 And same, roleplaying again would be great! Now that Chachili's got a boxing teacher, things should get pretty interesting... and comical, too. x3 These characters seem to go well together. =D Well, see you soon! X3))

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