Kiba~Are you okay? You’ve been changing for a while now. Breakfast is cold and the triplets are antsy
Ann~None of my clothes fit anymore! And the ones we just bought doesn’t either!
A ball of clothes hit Kiba in the face
Koneko~Are you okay?
Kiba~Yeah. Go on back with your brothers.
He went behind the curtain and found Ann sitting in a ball
Kiba~Well, if we need to get you new clothes, I need to see how big
Ann~I’m just getting fat…I may as well be wearing a mumu...
Kiba~You train wth the kids. I don’t think you’re getting fat
Ann~Then explain this!
She stood facing him and pointed at her stomach
Kiba~That’s not you getting fat, Demon
Ann~I’d like to hear an alternative then!
She looked down again and poked it
Kiba~Do you remember when was the last time you had your period? Cuz I don’t remember you complaining about it for a while now.
Ann~I…I think around D’jose? The first time with the machina…
Kiba~Okay then…I think our fling in Bevelle was the one. We haven’t gotten that much alone time to do anything like that
Ann~What do we tell the kids?
Kiba~They already figured when we went clothes shopping for you again last week. They made a bet for how long until you realized. Winner gets to choose next training destination
Kiba~Come on. We can work something out
Ann~What are we gonna do when I want pie?
Kiba~You also settled for other desserts. We’ll make do.
Ann~Okay…who else was betting?
Kiba~The whole crew, but they were betting money. Yuna got dragged in the game too.
Ann sighed and looked over her clothes
Ann~I still don’t have anything to wear
Kiba~Well, it’s not like you’re large. Wear your biggest pants unbuttoned and a coat.
Ann~That won’t work…
Kiba~It’s so you can go out. You can always wear a skirt and go topless
Ann~No…I’ll do the first
She rummaged through their belongings and found her last pair of pants and a shirt
Kiba~What’re you gonna do about the bet?
Ann~Do you know Yuna’s bet?
Kiba~Today after dinner, after you take the first bite of whatever dessert item is on the ship.
Ann~How long has the pool been going?
Kiba~I think when the triplets started betting
Ann~Did you bet?
Kiba~Of course not honey, but I made sure to not stop anyone in case you wanted revenge on some new people.
Ann~Awwww thanks babe
She gave him a peck then they went out to breakfast.
Ann~I half expected you to have eaten already
Tenka~He agreed not to if I took Kitty to the restroom in the middle of the night the next two times
Koneko~It isn’t my fault I can’t sleep throughout the night!
Kiba~Come on kids, we’re here now. Let’s eat. We’re going to Luca later.
Koneko~More clothes?
Ann~More clothes
Reiketsu~Hey, we never went to the desert yet. Can we go?
Ann~Depends if you want to dig too.
Koneko~Why’s that?
Ann~Digging permit. Need to go to D’Jose temple for that
Tenka~May as well since it’s close to Luca. Only past Mi’ihen right?
Ann~Yup. Let’s go eat. Stressing about my clothes made me really hungry.
After finally having breakfast, they family was dropped off by the stadium in Luca. They made their way to the plaza and stopped at the fountain.
Ann~You kids go and play. Otherwise you’re getting new clothes too
The Triplets considered a moment before running off.
Kiba~Two hours fountain!
They both sighed
Kiba~Alright my demon, let’s find some maternity clothes.
Ann sighed and they went
Ann~Where do you think we can get some apple pie?
Kiba~Dunno, but there’s a bunch of other pastries and sweets. If we can’t find a substitute, we’ll make our own
Ann nodded as they went into a store.
Koneko~Do you think Mom caught on yet?
Reiketsu~Probably not. Dad said that they didn’t suspect her pregnant with us until she refused to share her mints
Tenka~I thought those made mom giggly?
Koneko~They do. Uncle Kakashi uses it for bribes which makes Uncle Zabi mad
Reiketsu~Do you think Mom still goes beserk with candy?
Tenka~I don’t think we should try. There tends to be a reason when even Haku says it’s a bad idea.
Koneko~That’s probably why everyone gets nervous when we get candy…
Two hours later, they met back at the fountain
Ann~Kids have fun?
Koneko~We were on the airship too long
Ann~And you’re still up for traveling to D’Jose today?
Reiketsu~Yeah. They already fixed that bridge to the temple, right?
Kiba~They’re still building, but I think Rikku said they got scaffolding in place.
Tenka~What about all your clothes?
Ann~Don’t worry, it’s all in the bag. I planned on being back on the airship by tonight or tomorrow.
They all nodded and made their way to the stairs that led to Mi’ihen
At the beginning of the trail, they rented some chocobos and made it to Mushroom rock within a few hours. They stopped there to have lunch before they continued on through the cliffs
Koneko~Those Garuda fiends are still a pain
Reiketsu~But that’s why we need to blind it
Tenka~Too bad there’s nothing better than Blind Strike
Koneko~Yeah…using Blind Grenades aren’t worth it either
Ann~Think everyone back home will be scared that they can actually work together?
Kiba~Definitely. Most rely on them fighting with each other to get away. Zabuza will be scared too
Ann~Hehehe poor Uncle Zabi. Oh well.
She gave him a kiss as they went along
Reiketsu~Will we make it there by evening? You guys are slow
Ann~Watch it brat. I can still beat you into next week
Tenka~We’re just worried it will be closed by the time we get there
Ann~As long as Gipple is there we’ll be fine
Koneko~Do you think we can come back and have a picnic down there at the shoreline?
Kiba~As long as there’s a path we can. I’m not scaling a cliff face with food
Ann~I’m sorry! Had I known Zabuza packed soup I would not have suggested the monument.
By evening they came to D’Jose. The triplets did not run off this time and stayed close to their parents. At the end of the bridgeway, the third bridge was being built and a makeshift walkway was made in the meantime. Kiba went first, then the triplets one at a time, and finally Ann. They made their way to the small housing office to the right and went in
A blond man came out from the back office
Gipple~Lady Ann! What a surprise after the uh…incident
Ann~I’m sorry about that. My kids were in danger and at the time, they were more important than that machine to me
Gipple~uh…of course. We’re glad that you helped stop it before more casualties happened
He laughed nervously
Gipple~How can I help you today?
Reiketsu~Mom said we can get a digging permit for Bikanel Desert here
Gipple~Your mother is correct. Come to the counter while I fill it out
Ann~Hmmm…I need to have something sweet all of a suddenly…
Gipple~Oh? What makes you say that? I am not dying now from assuming her weight is pregnancy
Ann~I dunno. It’s passed anyway. Ah, I don’t believe you’ve formally met my family since then. My husband, Kiba, and our triplets Reiketsu, Tenka, and Koneko
Gipple~Pleased to meet you all
He handed a half sheet of paper to Ann
Gipple~There you are. As long as you go together, you won’t have any issues being allowed to dig
Ann~Wonderful. How’s the temple doing?
Gipple~Hard to rebuild. The electricity gives enough heat to melt our rubber gloves after a few minutes
Ann~Really troublesome…Have you tried silicone? A friend I know uses that to repair electronics.
Gipple~I’ll look into it. Tell the Gullwings I said ‘Hi.’
Ann~Will do
As they left, Koneko spoke up
Koneko~You didn’t try scaring him
Ann~He didn’t press his luck.
They called the Celsius on a nearby sphere and was soon picked up.
Ann~Kiba, is there any chocolate?
Paine~I thought you had a chocolate problem?
Ann~Not anymore
Rikku~That’s still really sketchy…
Ann~I need chocolate
Kiba~After dinner. You’ll spoil yourself.
Ann pouted but agreed
Kiba~Let’s get you changed in the meantime
Pain~Triplets, come with me. I’ve been trying to get Rikku back, but I need her distracted
After dinner, Ann poked around the kitchen looking for something
Kiba~Honey, what are you doing?
Ann~I need pie
Kiba~need or want?
Kiba~A piece or the whole thing?
Ann~The whole thing. Why are you asking so many damn questions?
Kiba~First off, there’s no pie. Secondly, you don’t need a whole pie under normal circumstances
Koneko~Do you think this is related to mom’s sudden craving for dessert items?
Tenka~I dunno. No one’s ever said anything about what happened when she was expecting us
They looked up when Reiketsu got their attention
Ann~What do you mean there’s no pie?!
She advanced on Kiba
Kiba~Ann! Attacking me won’t make it better! Remember Kisame?
Rikku~W-wait! Ann what about a donut? We still have those!
She let go of her husband pouted
Ann~But it’s not a pie…
Paine~We can make a pie. We’ll help you
She took the donut from Rikku and sat back down taking a bite, upset
Reiketsu~Mom? Are you okay?
Ann~No…Goddam lack of pie…Why am I even craving pie?! The last time this happened-oh…
Others~What oh?
Ann~I might be pregnant…
She looked down at her belly
Ann~I probably am pregnant…
A while later Ann found Yuna on the deck. She called out to let the ex-summoner know she was there before she accidentally startled her
Ann~How much did you win from the bet?
Yuna~W-what bet?! Uhhh…
Ann~Kiba told me about it. I wanted to make sure you won because my brats started betting against me
Yuna~Uhh…50,000 gil…and immunity from their antics…
Ann~Good deal. Auron would be proud of you
Yuna~What? Why?
Ann~You did something out of your comfort zone and won. Not to mention you took advantage of the triplets too. Good job.
Yuna~B-but it’s not fair now
Ann~Now, now, Yuna, everyone is already afraid of me. Being pregnant means they won’t even consider challenging me now if they ever figure it out
Yuna~Oh Ann…
She smiled and quietly laughed.
View User's Journal
annaliesalayoshi and zabuza momochi
i'm a super fananic of naruto. i even made my own naruto character, annaliesalayoshi (or ann), and i made her zabuza's niece (that is if he ever had one). later in the story i mix it with final fantasyX
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