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View User's Journal

Trashed and Scattered
my writting
Shadows of the dark surround me (A poem I wrote)
Shadows of the dark surround me
Suffocating me in the light
My beaten heart fails me
My tattered soul takes flight
My tired mind slips into eternal rest tonight

Now I walk this land alone
Aimlessly I haunt the dark time hours
With a void to deep to repair
Out of some hideous nightmare

The bat caves seem alluring
Vampires seem intriguing
Monsters are elating
Vultures of the night perform my every yearning

My demonic power grows
The dark half joins my side
Revenge will be gathered at last tonight
And blood spilled in its verdict

My foes fall at my feet
The grasp on my soul is relinquished
At last my trashed and tattered soul will rest in peace tonight
At last I acquire, eternal rest, my desire.

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