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11.) If you visit the Slytherins' heed their warnings not to sit on or get to close to their house pets Basil and Brabas if you wish to not be eaten alive.
10.) When visiting the Ravenclaw Roost it is important to note that eating too many muffins will result in a stomach ache.
9.) No matter what Team Starkid says, Hufflepuffs are not particularly good finders. If you loose any belongings it may be best to search for them yourselves.
8.) It is in your best interests to never call a Gryffindor a cowardly lion.
7.) The Room of Requirement is constantly monitored. It's not even worth trying what you were just thinking.
6.) Saying that Blast Ended Skrewts in Care of Magical Creatures blew up your homework is not a valid excuse for not turning in your homework in time.
5.) Having a contest to see who can get closest to the Womping Willow is ill advised.
4.) To level up treat house points as your life points and quills as your magic points.
3.) The use of any Weasley's Wizarding Weezes products will result in you hanging by your toes during detention. It's best you flush them now.
2.) The Headmaster and head students are all powerful wizards and should be treated as such.
1.) when in doubt say that Peeves made you do it!
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