Halloween was oddly fun.Like I said before, Graphic Reproduction class was spent trying to keep my hands warm.After that, it was off to McDonald's for the completion of the evil fudge nugget plan!The walk was fun, lots of jokes and laughter.Since there was a zombie fest theme this year, some people dressed up as hunters while others were zombies.One girl in the group was Zombie Snape and another guy was from the military.The fudge nuggets were...disgusting.I hope never to have to eat anything like thata agin because frankly, it made me sick to my stomach.I didn't see the winners for the Halloween contest this year.It was good, I just liked last year's contest more.Apparently, the guy dressed up as Kratos got first place.Just like Big Daddy won last year, looks like the ones dressed up as video game tough guys win every time.