Been sick since Sunday and now, cue my mom taking me to the doctor.Probably gonna take me to see Uncle Gaspar, maybe get some blood tests done.I'm thinking that she feels that I may have gotten dengue.I don't know the english word for it...But it's a disease transmitted by mosquitoes.My mom got it once, and so did one of my best buds.They both ended up in the hospital for it.Can't be too careful, especially if it's the kind that has internal bleeding.I just hope I don't have it...-sigh-This is what happens for having such delicious blood.Grandma said it once:"Bugs just can't resist the blood of a sweet girl like you." And I have been getting bug bites a lot lately...-_- Makes me sooo happy knowing that ants, mosquitoes and wasps can't resist me.No way am I gonna try to find out how bees would react to my blood.Almost got my head stung my one once.Not very I hope to recover soon and that it's not dengue...though if it is, whoopee.My first hospital trip were I'm the one who's staying instead of visiting.>< Time to prove my brother right or wrong on whether I'd survive a hospital stay.I have a phobia of needles...oddly, only when they're injecting something.Last time they took blood from me, I frankly just watched my blood flow into the needle the entire time.But vaccines and anything else?Hell to the no!Those things hurt, even when I don't look.If I look, it hurts.If I look away, it hurts.If I try not to focus on it, it hurts.NO MATTER WHAT I DO, THEY HURT LIKE HELL!Unless someone knows a foolproof trick for vaccines not to hurt, I won't like them ever.Hated them as a kid, hate them now.