Furget yesturday I was agen being silly. I no kno why I get like dat. Tomowwow is anoffa day ^ ^
Im going to be speeking 'infant' cus I feel wike it hehe
I cant say Im feeling so happy but I feeling alot happier which is mayking me happy ^ ^
Tha fing about me is I haf no confidence or not anuf. And fings get me down to easierlly. I need to be happy and be wif my fwiends. I luv all my fwiends so much ^ ^
I even like Koryu I fink hes funny...in an insane sort of way XD
I feel wike being wif all my fwiends wite now. Well sum anyways. othurwise it too much @_@
I fink I'll post sum wandom facts about wutever on my pwofile soon XD
I blushed infwunt of A.....person I wike by accident. He knows I wike him, juss no idea why I still blushed. Hes a very gud fwiend ^ ^
I find myself blushing infwunt of Jawed too
He blushed at me (I fink it wus me) for no weason
A girl named Katy I no longur wike, infact I stopped wiking her wike dat weeks ago. Shes weirrrrrrddddd <_<
Ive borrowed Metal Gear Solid 1...yes I kno its old and stuff but I need to play and complete it. Yes I've played the 3rd one...no Ive only completed the 2nd. European extream is hard <_<
I cant wait to gif my daddy a big kiss and hug wen I see him ^ ^
Im feeling awot happier ^ ^
Ever had dat feeling wike a dark side of yurself is also dere? @_@
I still wish I had wings. Gweat white wings dat wud let me sore thwough da skys and let me go see everyone. Course Fel sed he no wanna meet any of his online fwiends cus hes had twoubles wif sum of tha peepul he did. Thou if I had white wings I fink he'd worry awot wess...or more? @_@
My new favowite emote is @_@
If yur still weading pleese comment and say tha wurd love ^ ^
do it pweese!!! I luv comments
It seems in Acoe's journal Im tha only one dat comments
Otay Im donna be alot happier fwum now on. Especially wif my fwiends ^ ^
as my big bwuthur Ryan wud say "Kick a**"
Sowwy but dat was a quote Im allowed to say it if I quote
Jak stop swearing and saying its anuffa wurd...it still a swear wurd!!!
I fink dat shows Im awot happier
A notice to all dat luvs me. If I get upset or seem it. Juss tell me yew luv me pweese...I sudn't normally ask for dat cus wen its sed its always special. But I luv yew all too!!! ^ ^
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