Whoo, today was mildly suckish.On Monday, the professor for Sound Design told me that I had to speed up my work and it was better for me to focus on one part instead of working like crazy.So that's what I did today.Definitely got more work done this time around.Also, I grouped up with two buddies.We'll be recording sounds next class and we each got a different bit.One person will do monster sounds, another will do bird sounds and I have to do Kirby's vocals.Now, I'm sort of flattered that I'm doing the voices for the main character(My mom screamed "Yes!!!" when I was talking with my sister over the phone and mentioned that), but I don't really know what Kirby sounds like.The only example I have is a vague memory from the animated show.I may need to check out some videos to get an idea, at least.Conversational English was boring until we had to start asking each other questions concerning clothes and the like.Ran into Omar when I got out of class later and we chatted for a bit.I miss all my Storyboarding class buddies.It was too much fun...