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Entry #11: Ketchup! (cuz it's awesome XD)
This is Fluffy signing in.

(this still needs a few edits)

-sniffles- ugh... hey guys! wassup y'all? this is m-... my-... mah-... ah-... AH-CHOOOOOO!!! -sniffles- sorry, i have a cold right now... you'll know why in a bit... -blows my nose in a tissue- well, anyways, this is my11th entry here! -sniff- i'm kinda wishing that i would've been online earlier to post this at 11:11... crying oh well... -coughs and clears my throat-

a little note: if you have read the previous notices (and maybe some journal entries), i haven't really been updating as much as i would like... so for this entry, i will list events for all the past days that i couldn't cover with a journal entry! a little catch-up! mrgreen i will list minor events, major events, and everything else in between! or, at least, all the events that i can clearly remember... heh... sweatdrop here we go! -sneezes loudly- ugh... lemme go get a tissue first... -sniffle-

========== Events on 9/3/2010 ==========

nothing really exciting this day... had a test in Algebra... i forgot to turn in a bunch of homework tho... heh... sweatdrop oh, we had bagels in homeroom!

Probably the only exciting event that happened was that Adam drank an entire liter of orange soda in under 30 seconds! eek apparently, this kid named Ryan (there are too many frickin Ryans in this school...) needed an empty soda bottle for his biology class. He didn't wanna waste the soda (there was about 1/2 of soda left in the bottle), so he gave it to Adam to drink! man, Adam has an one heck of an iron liver... oh, and about halfway through the soda, Adam let out this MASSIVE burp! it was so f***ing awesome! xd after he finished it, me and our friends applauded him! man, too bad Chelsea wasn't there for that... oh, and did i forget to mention we were marching right after lunch? rofl man, i thought Adam was gonna barf or explode or something like that during 3rd period, but he didn't. biggrin

I didn't have a lot of time on the computer... -sobs lots- crying mom had me make a LOT of final adjustments to the newsletter and i couldn't get onto Gaia or Facebook... cry by the time i had got on Gaia, i had missed a LOT of stuff! GAH! Gaia is like Facebook now; if ya miss one day, ya miss about a third of your life xd xp

I didn't go to slepp until 3am that day... i have a lot of trouble sleeping these days... gonk well, i guess i should let you know a secret... well, it's not really a secret, technically.

i've been having trouble sleeping for the past two months. Why is that, you ask? well, when this sleeping problem started, i was always waking up in the middle of the night with tears on my face and i would have lots of trouble breathing properly. i don't know why they are there, but it scares me so much, that i don't wanna go back to sleep gonk ...my sleeping problem didn't stop there... a nightmarre was added to it. It would always be the same nightmare each night. i would wake up in the middle of the night cuz of it and would be so scared to go back to sleep. so now, to prevent that from happening, i go to sleep very late each night, so i don't have to deal with the fear of waking up sobbing and breathing heavily. this method doesn't really work; the nightmare doesn't happen as often, but i still wake up in the middle of the night sobbing and having difficulty breathing. crying

========== Events on 9/4/2010 ==========

woke up late. well, actually, i woke up at 7am, but i didn't really get out of bed until 12 in the afternoon... heh... i ish lazy... razz

oh, and guess what?! I GOT A LAPTOP TODAY!!! blaugh blaugh blaugh but, i couldn't keep it for very long... theres a funny story with that... heh:

well, i started to set up the laptop. i got to the part where i needed to create a username and password. my dad (who i'm kinda hating atm) was all, like "You don't know what you doing! you too stupid! let me set it up!" and i'm all, like "DAD! i'm just putting in a username and password! it's not that difficult!" we kept arguing like that for a while. my dad is a really meanie-butt sometimes... OTL crying

after everything was set up, my dad wanted me to go onto the internet. but i was all, like "Um, dad? i can't log into the internet, we need a wireless adapter." which is some thing my parents don't have... stare but my dad was all, like "no, we don't need that! log onto the internet!" and i was all, like (can't you tell i'm from California? lol ) "dad, i already told you, i can't" and he was all like "YES YOU CAN! GO TO THE INTERNET!!! scream " and i was all, like "fine!" obviously, i couldn't log on and my dad, still thinking that i was too stupid to own a laptop, wouldn't listen to me! GAH! stressed

my mom said that she was supposed to call someone and then i would magically get internet on my laptop... rolleyes -sigh- my parents aren't good with electronics. since they aren't good with them, i'm not so good with them either... pfffft, they are always frickin sheltering me... mad

well, after about 30 minutes of having the laptop, my dad had already put his pictures, his videos, AND his music on MY laptop! stressed stressed stressed he even put a picture of himself on the desktop! Rrrrrrgh! he makes me very upset sometimes... scream

now i guess i should mention now that the laptop needed to be returned. youre now probably going "WTF?! how did that happen?!". well, i'll explain that in a bit. appareantly, when i was upstairs and my mom was trying to find out how to get internet on my laptop (she doesn't really listen to me either rolleyes ), my dad put in a cd into my laptop. i don't know exactly what happened, but my dad started to claim that the laptop "ate" his cd! i told him "dad, i reeeeeeaaaaally don't think a laptop would do something like that..." and he was all "WELL, EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CD!" and i said "you probably took it out and you can't remember where you put it! (this does make sense... my parents are over 50 years old)" and then my dad yelled back "THEN HOW COME I CAN'T FIND IT?!" and i said "you probably forgot where you put it". at this point, my dad got really upset, took all his anger out on me, grounded me and returned the laptop... -_______-" yes, my parents can be very stubborn sometimes... now i know where i get it from... xp

well, after all that has been said, lets continue with the small events for this day, shall we? 4laugh

i had to do a lot of cleaning around the house with my gramma for most of the day. which also means i couldn't get a lot of time on Gaia sad i actually considered quitting Gaia, but i changed my mind the next day. I can't remember too clearly, but i think that i was also invited to join another rp guild called Sakuma Academy. join if you would like to! mrgreen

another event that happened today was that me and Zac hit another relationship bump... cry but in the end, we were able to get over it! blaugh here's a little quote that i came up with: "All relationships are like roller coasters; if they weren't, they would be too boring." -Ari Q.

i also wet to sleep very late again.

========== Events on 9/5/2010 ==========

it was Sunday today. that meant church. we usually attened the 10:30am mass. man, it's been forever since i was in church and not preforming with the choir!

after church, mom dragged me to the mall to go buy clothes... bleh... xp sorry, i kinda have this thing against going to the mall... i blame my mom for it... when i was a kid, she would always bring me to random shops and make me try on all these clothes that i just hated and she would make me wear them! yuck! xp we would be at the store for HOURS and i would be insanely bored to death... after we get home, most, if not all, the clothes get shoved into the back of my closet. 2-3 years later, we would give them away to my cousins in the Philippines. stare i would only go to the mall when we are buying things that i would like... like games at GameStop or clothes that i will actually use, or even just buy a cinnamon roll from Cinnabon.

well, once we got to the mall, we headed to the Charlotte Russe store (my mom works for C.R. as an accountant). we met up with my aunt and my cousins, Jo and Britt (they are both girls... Jo is just short for Joanna). i asked them where their litter brother, Ben, was and they told me that he was at their house with grampa. me and cousins got bored after a while, so we wandered around the mall.

i had my wallet with me, so i bought Britt some lunch and Jo a drink. then we headed towards Sweet Factory! Eeeeee! Candy!!! ~♪ 4laugh For those few of you who have never really been to Sweet Factory, to buy candy, you scoop up any candy you want and place it in one of the plastic bags there; how much cnady you get determines how much you're gonna have to pay. Britt got started on her bag and i got started on mine. i didn't get much; just some chocolate raisins, mini M&M's, a few chocolate bars and 2 s'mores bars (i luvs being a chocoholic heart ). After i gathered up my candy and Jo grabbed a lollipop. we waited for Britt to finish up.

After she had finished up, she came back to us with her bag that was almost filled to the top with candy! eek we told her to put some back, but she didn't wanna listen. so when we got to the register and got her candy weighed, the lady at the register said that i was about to spend $40 on that candy! burning_eyes DAMN! Britt, if you are reading this, i have one thing to say to you: Shame... talk2hand . so she had to put some candy back and ended up paying about $9 instead (around how much i had to pay for my candy).

after we had left the mall, i had to go to my cousin's place; i was sleeping over for the night. biggrin we watched a bunch of random videos on YouTube abd watched some flipnotes on our DSi's. there's this one flipnote creator who is just plain awesome! he/she makes some of the most random flips ever! theres this one and also this one. but this one here almost got to me... it kinda reminds me of Topher... -tears up- i really wish he hadn't hurt me... i still wanna be friends though... relationships should't ruin friendships... crying

i stayed on the computer for a bit... then i realized that it was nearly 3am! we needed to go to sleep. since Jo was asleep on the couch, i had to borrow her bed for the night.

========== Events on 9/6/2010 ==========

Whoo! Labor Day this day! Happy Labor Day everybuddie! 4laugh

woke up around lunch time. played a bit of Guitar Hero III while eating some leftover candy from the day before.

mom came over to have lunch with us and pick gramma and me up. after lunch, i packed up my things, said bye to eveyone and left for home.

my memory gets a little fuzzy after that... i don't think i did much besides go on the computer.

========== Events on 9/7/2010 ==========

i was a little disappointed that it was school already after a three day weekend. i woke up late. i didn't have much time for breakfast.

i told my friends on the bus about the laptop story. they suggested that i get an HP laptop; it's probably the best for me. i gotta tell my dad about that later; he wants to buy a Sony laptop.

i can't remember much of the day. i remembered that we got that we got our tests back from Friday! i was the only person in the class with 100%! WOOTSAUCENESS!!! mrgreen In Filipino, Dylon was back. I think we started our Filipino skits today... i'm not really sure... neutral can't remember much of lunch. marched in band. can't remember much in APEC.

Can't remember too much when i got home... i know that i got on the computer, but i can't remember much about that...

then i went to our Tuesday night rehearsal! we went over the 2nd half of the 2nd movement to our show! 4laugh once rehearsal ended, we all cheered cuz now we have half of the entire show finished!!! ~♪ Wheeeeee! it was an awesome rehearsal! biggrin well, except for the fact that i got a freaking cold! even though i was wearing a thick jacket, the cold weather got to me and made me sick... -sniffles- this sucks... xp

took a shower after i got home, went on the computer for a bit, then went to sleep very late.

========== Events on 9/8/2010 ==========

woke up late, yet again... even though it was a late start day. i kinda took advatange of the late start day, and i ended up almost late for the bus... heheh... sweatdrop

Zac starts school today! yays for him! i hope he like his new school! mrgreen

Algebra was boring... then i realized that i haven't been adding to the phale page lately. i added a little to the page. we have another test on Friday... i think i'll do fine on it! smile

then i went to homeroom. nothing really special there. neutral

then i headed towards Filipino. we didn't do much besides go over simple sentence structures, reviewed some words, go over "Bakit ang Babae", and work on our skits (we call them Diyalogo instead of skit).

lunch wasn't very eventful. we all just talked about random things. meh... o3o

since we had music rehearsal today, i fell asleep a lot during class. i guess it kinda serves me right for always staying up so late. i didn't really pay attention in class, but i do remember that we went over some of our show music and the march.

then I headed to APEC. Mr Casas told us that we would be having an FRQ tomorrow! gonk gah! me no wants to do an essay! crying i looked over the questions and answered them as best as i could. i wasn't too confident that i would get a good score. FRQ's are graded on a scale from 0-9; 0-3 being a weak essay, 6-9 being a strong essay, and 4-5 being a mixed essay.

i can't really remember too much after that... i do remember rping a little and talking to a few friends on Gaia and on Facebook.

oh yeah, my parents are going out of town for a bit. they leave on Thursday morning.

========== Events on 9/9/2010 ==========

Elmo, if you are reading this, Happy Birthday! ~♪ 4laugh i hope it was an awesome day! mrgreen

now that my parents are gone for a bit (yes! finally a bit of space!), i can't really depend on them to wake me up in the mornings. i woke up later than usual. i didn't even have time to go to the kitchen for a tiny morning snack! i rushed a lot. xp

Adam baked bread today! yay! ~♪ it was really good! it was rather sweet and a little moist! he did a very good job! ^w^

We reviewed some problems in Algebra for the test tomorrow. i wasn't really paying attention cuz i needed to study for the FRQ today!!!! gonk

I spent WT just studying for the FRQ and helping my friend Jessica with the FRQ today as well.

Filipino, me and Kim worked on our Diyalogo and then me and my group sang "Bakit ang Babae". Some people finished their diyalogos early, so they got to preform today! most were very funny! rofl

lunch was just... normal for once eek nothng really special... i ate all my lunch tho! biggrin

We didn't really have SSR because of coaching today. we jumped right into warm-ups and music. dammit... i needed SSR so i could study for the FRQ! sad oh well, at least band helps put my mind at ease a bit.

then it was the most dreaded class of the day... APEC!!! -dramatic music- DUN, DUN DUUUUUUUUHN!!!! i was so nervous that i started shaking! i tried to calm myself down a little... thought happy thoughts... breathed deeply... thought of our football game coming up very soon... it helped a little bit. then we were told that we could use our notes!!! YOSH!!!! xd i take good notes! we were given about 45 minutes to do the essay. i took up all of those minutes and made the best of them 'till the last couple seconds. i'm not too condifent about what i got... i hope i got a 4 at least... i wouldn't be shocked at a 5... i kinda doubt a 6 though...

then it was parade rehearsal after school! biggrin me and Jessica talked about our essay. we weren't too condient about our answers, but we both hope we get at least a 4.

parade rehearsal went by rather fast. we went over the march and praticed marching in a parade block.

went home with my carpool buddies after that. a few minutes after i got home, this cable guy comes in saying that he will do something... bleh, bleh, bleh... something about internet.. then told me than when i get my laptop, i can connect to the internet! WOOT!!! blaugh after that, i took a shower, studied a bit, ate dinner, then went on Facebook and Gaia.

i couldn't really sleep tonight... i'm not very sleepy, even though it's almost 4 in the frickin morning... xp -sniffles- well, i better go try to sleep... now that we have cloudy weather, i see no piont in watching the sunrise anymore... if i go to bed at 4am, i'll probably get around and hour or two of sleep... -yawns- well, goodnig- err... dawn... gooddawm everyone! see ya's laters! ~♪

This is Fluffy signing out.

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