Mascara and Fake Smiles
Mascara and fake smiles hide so much these days...
The tears and the pain are just trying to escape.
But when I'm alone, I let it all out.
The tears, the blood, the silent cries for help.
I love how easily phisical pain overcomes emotional pain.
But on the inside, the pain is all the same.
I can't tell you that i do this,
'Cause if i do, you won't think im worth it.
I cut my arm and wait for the pain to overtake.
I never once think, this is a mistake.
The blood comes now, easily and slow.
I sit in silence, watching my crimson blood flow.
When I see you though, I cover my arm.
I put on my fake smile and turn on my charm.
The mascara is no longer running.
And at the moment, I am no longer cutting.