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I'm a fangirl. So sue me. x3;
Dinner Party--A tribute fic...Kind of
Ok. so this is a crazy Cocoanut fic. LITERALLY. lol. it features Moonlit, Blue, Kuro from One Piece, Yuan from Tales of Symphonia, Jade from Moonlit's imagination, Veggie near the end, and...the Cocoanut. >.>;

crack and funny. oh, and please tell me if this style of writing is good or not. it's a new one....

ok! so! fic! enjoy~! ='D

Dinner Party

It was midday and the weather was wonderful at the beach—blue sky, sunshine, and the salty smell of the sea all around. But at this particular beach, there was only one person present—well, two people, if you count an imaginary person as another person. Some do and some don’t….oh well.

Moonlit Star and her imaginary Jade have been sitting at the beach since the morning. Jade was simply enjoying the sun and watching the waves while Moonlit was thinking about how exactly she managed to get there. She was sent a link by her friend, Sazuka57, in the morning…she clicked on it, and it was taking her somewhere…a faaaar away somewhere…when she couldn’t hang on any longer and fell off and landed in the water…She swam to the beach, and Jade popped out and asked her if she was okay…and she was, then she sat down at the beach to dry.

She was almost completely dry now, thankfully, and very much relaxed…except that she had absolutely no idea where she was. It didn’t matter though; she was most probably going to be gone before sundown.

It wasn’t until a while alter when she heard a noise. It sounded like a “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” and was coming…somewhere from the sky?

Suddenly, a black speck appeared in the sky appeared, and was growing larger very quickly. It was soon apparent that it was actually a person freefalling and yelling their head off. A little bit more and Moonlit realized that it was a friend, Blue Logic. She was falling at such a fierce rate…and landed face-first into the ground.

Moonlit and Jade ran over to her, shock and concern written all over their faces. They helped Blue up, and after many confirmations of her well-being, they both burst out laughing. Blue was not amused, “What is so funny?”

“You. Falling face-first! You had your head stuck in the sand!” Moonlit laughed.

“Yeah, yeah.” Blue replied, “So, what’s up?”

After some conversation, it became apparent that Sazuka had sent them both the same link, and the two of them were supposed to meet up there for fun. They also both landed here, but Blue had said that she hit her head on something and that’s why she had fallen off the link.

They continued to talk animatedly for a few more hours, and then sat in silence in the mid-afternoon sun. As the sun started to set, what appeared to be a cocoanut with arms and legs joined them at the beach, and the four of them sat in companionable silence watching the sunset.

The sun sat in wonderful hues of orange and purple, reflected against the water. The stars that started to appear looked like diamonds surrounding a fire lapis, with all its might intensified by the water. The cocoanut cried at its beauty.

After the wonderful sunset, the cocoanut sat up and dusted itself off. “You should come with me,” it told the other three, “Things happen at the island beaches at night.”

“What kind of things?” Blue asked it, skeptically.

“Things. Weird things; not weird things. THINGS!!!” the cocoanut replied dramatically. Then it turned around and sauntered off.

“…I say follow the cocoanut.” Jade voiced his opinion uncertainly.“I second that.” Moonlit stated.

“…Fine. Let’s go.”

The three of them followed the cocoanut off of the beach and into the tropical forest. The tropical forest wasn’t a spooky place, but the darkness and the numerous vines hanging between the trees made it look scary. And Moonlit found herself carrying Jade inside her giant chef hat with it barely raised up so that he could see.

Walking through the thickets wasn’t too bad, as the cocoanut had taken measures to avoid any areas with thorny things in them. Everything seemed to be normal as they approached their first clearing.

The cocoanut was the first to enter the clearing followed closely by the others. It was your average clearing with a few extra logs in the middle. No one had a chance to think of a reason for the logs to be in the middle when a blur of blue came out from behind the nearest log and wrapped its hands around the cocoanut, right over its mouth.

“I got it!!!” What was now apparent as a blue-haired male lying on his belly yelled. Then, as fast as he caught the cocoanut, he let it loose with a cry, “It bit me!!”

The cocoanut then ran over the bluenette and raced towards the other end of the clearing. It didn’t make it far when it was attacked by a pair of claw-like sword arrangement…which is dodged expertly and matrix style and veered off to the right. The bluenette, who had now recovered, turned around and cast a thunder spell at the cocoanut. The spell had no damaging effect on it, but rather tickled it, and the cocoanut ran away laughing deliriously, arms raised over its head, and completely forgetting the people it was leading. Said people were all reacting to the scene in front of them, and while Jade was hiding inside the hat scared witless and Moonlit was still trying to process what happened, Blue burst out in laughter.

“It’s not funny…” trailed off the bluenette while closely examining his hand. “That cocoanut better not have rabies.”

“Cocoanuts don’t have rabies.” Stated Jade, his voice muffled from his hiding spot, “Only rodents and dogs get rabies.”

“Egad! A talking hat!” Completely forgetting about his injured hand, the bluenette jumped up and made a grab for Moonlit’s hat. Upon his hiding place disappearing, Jade yelped and floated away to hide behind a tree.

“Oh, leave that thing alone you stupid fool. We need to find that ticket off of this hellish place.” The claw-wearing man spoke up. Blue Logic had to hold back a squeal, but that didn’t stop her from gushing, “Oh my God you’re Captain Kuro!”

Kuro, the man in question, straightened up and pushed up his glasses with his palm all the while smirking, “Hn. In the flesh. Now what is it that you want?”

“I’m not sure?” Blue replied, barely regaining her composure. She turned to Moonlit, “What is it that we’re doing here?”

“Uh…We were following the cocoanut?”

The bluenette looked at them as though they were a bunch of wierdos (Sazuka, if she were there, would have taken that as a compliment since she believes that she and everyone she knows is weird or crazy in some way). He was quiet for a minute before he asked the chef hat, “Why?”

Jade, who knew that the bluenette was referring to him, rolled his eyes, but didn’t answer. He didn’t have a chance to really, because Kuro was a step ahead of him, “Because he told them that things happen at the beach! Just as he told you and me you fool!”

“Okay…this is starting to sound bad.” Moonlit declared.

“Heh, it only gets worse from there,” the bluenette said, “I’m Yuan, by the way.”

“I knew that,” Moonlit replied, a bit pink, “I’m Moonlit. She’s Blue. He--” she motioned to Jade, “is Jade. And what do you mean by ‘it gets worse’?”

Yuan ignored her and rushed over to Jade, mumbling something along the lines of “Amazing! A tiny person!” Jade screamed and ran back to Moonlit, and Moonlit spent the next few minutes convincing him that Yuan wasn’t a bad guy and he really shouldn’t be scared, refusing to hear his “but”s. Yuan, disheartened, plopped Moonlit’s hat back on her head and went to sit on a log while Blue helped Moonlit calm Jade down and Kuro watched the scene with an I-can’t-believe-I’m-here look on his face.

The girls had barely finished calming Jade down when Yuan spoke up with a grimace on his face. “…It’s back…”

“What’s back?” Moonlit asked tentatively.

“The thing that happens at the beach?” Yuan replied, “It’s only thiiiis—” he squished his index finger to his thumb “—much better inland.”

“Whaa!” Jade screamed, diving back under the chef hat. “Then why did the cocoanut bring us here?” he wailed. Just then, a ferocious roar sounded from nearby.

“We’ll explain later.” Kuro stated, “Now follow us unless you want to be killed.”

Kuro walked away, with Yuan, Blue, and Moonlit carrying Jade following behind him. Thirty-five minutes later found them on top of a giant tree house, which Moonlit and Jade “Ooh”-ed and “Aah”-ed all over it while Blue asked how Kuro (not Yuan) managed to make a tree house.

“It’s that blasted cocoanut’s hideout.” He’d replied, “We overran the place and kept it.”

“Nice place for a cocoanut,” Moonlit stated. “So, why did he bring us inland?”

“One word,” Yuan explained, “Prisoners. We’re all prisoners here.”

“What?!” Jade squeaked in a panic, “WHY?!”

“It’s a blasted game of his. Catch him and you’re free to go.” Kuro further explained. “And you’re to stay here for as long as it takes to do so.”

A silence took over the group as the newcomers absorbed the information. The silence held an aura of despair as it became apparent that this was…well, bad….Just was kind of link did Sazuka send the bunch anyway?

“So…” Blue spoke up. “You’ve tried everything to catch it? Ambushes? Kidnapping? Invasion? Ransom? Blackmail? Violence???”

“We’ve gone through those and other…much more devastating plans.” Kuro replied.

“Aaand none of them worked.” Yuan finished up dismally.

“…None whatsoever?” Jade asked, in awe of the situation.

“None whatsoever.” Yuan confirmed miserably.

“So…if violence didn’t work,” Jade started, choosing his words carefully, “Then why don’t you invite him to dinner?”

Due to the fact that no one was able to come up with a better plan (Blue listed all of her ideas, and, to her dismay, each and every one of them has been tried out), the next morning found the group of...four, not counting the imaginary Jade (if you do, then it’s a group of five), getting ready for a dinner party. Since it was his idea, Jade was put in charge of telling people what to do, with Blue acting as his first mate (though it didn’t get her out of doing work). Yuan and Kuro were under Jade’s and Blue’s command, and Moonlit was given the task to deliver the dinner party invitation (which Yuan had written the night before).

The work included cutting down trees, making a table, getting the china and silverware from the house, etc., and that work was very tough. But no matter how hard it was, it wasn’t as hard as finding a single cocoanut on the whole island. It was like finding a needle in two haystacks put together.

Now most people would think that silly; how hard can it be to find a walking, talking cocoanut that’s trapped on an island? I’ll tell you how: the Cocoanut likes to sleep in until past noon, and when it sleeps, it looks like a regular cocoanut. Being on a tropical island means that there’s A LOT of cocoanuts around, so kudos to the one who can find the Cocoanut before sundown.

Ergo, Moonlit got the short end of the stick. At least, it looks that way.

The reality of it is that Moonlit wandered all over the tropical forest aimlessly until she managed to stumble out to the beach. A bit more walking found her at around the same spot she’d sat all yesterday. At that point, Moonlit was pretty tired and decided to take a break. After all, she had picked up each cocoanut and shaken it, and that was tiring work! She stayed there until sundown, at which the Cocoanut came and joined her to watch the sunset.

So, yeah, Moonlit didn’t really get the short end of the stick. And neither did Jade’s group, since they were done by mid-afternoon and had a break before they started cooking (Well, Blue and Jade cooked. Yuan helped around the kitchen while Kuro…well, he wandered off somewhere).

After the end of the sunset, Moonlit handed the invitation to the Cocoanut, which was very nicely decorated and folded up. The Cocoanut took a long, good look at the invitation before it looked up at Moonlit, “What’s with the piece of paper?”

Moonlit all but sweat-dropped, “It’s what’s on the paper that’s important.”

The Cocoanut unfolded the paper and took a good, long look at it then said, “…The ink?”

Moonlit did sweat-drop this time, “It’s what’s written with the ink…”

The Cocoanut took another look at the paper before he asked, “The words?”

Moonlit face-palmed, “Read the words, Mr. Cocoanut.”

“Ooooh, Mister! I like that!” The Cocoanut smiled goofily before he read the invitation. “Ooh, yay! Dinner party! Food~! Wait, it’s tonight? How inconvenient. I can’t make it tonight!”

Moonlit gawked, “What?! Why not?”

“…I already cooked dinner for tonight.”

Moonlit face-palmed again, “Freeze it or something. The party’s all ready and you’re the guest of honor.”

“Oooh, guest of honor! How fancy! How respectful!” The Cocoanut paused for a moment, “I like it! Lead the way!”

Moonlit smiled and started back to the camp. When she’d reached there, Jade’s team was already properly dressed (in reality, they just washed up) and the dinner was already laid out on the table, steaming hot. Although the table was relatively straight, the chairs seemed a bit crooked (they did have to craft the table and the chairs, after all). The clearing was lit by candlelight (Kuro had gotten the candles while he was wandering; no one asked how), and it looked like the stars had descended from the skies for this party. The Cocoanut thought it was so beautiful, it cried.

The seating arrangements were as follows, the guest of honor, the Cocoanut sat at the head of the table. Moonlit and Jade sat on either side of him. Blue sat next between Jade and Kuro, and Yuan sat beside Moonlit. The food was as follows: each platter contained fish with a side of vegetables. Next to the platters, there were a spoon and a fork. There were also two cups: one held water and the other orange juice (Yuan managed it; don’t ask how).

So everyone sat down and started on their plates and pleasant conversation. It started with the Cocoanut asking a fish question to Jade and Blue and Kuro got into a conversation about sharp and pointy objects. Yuan was tempted to join them in that conversation, but he found himself preferring to debate with Moonlit the mechanics of mana absorption. Hey, anything that makes a guy sound smart and cool, right?

It was halfway through their meal that the Cocoanut started to act weird. At first, it was only making faces, but then it started making weird noises. “Is everything alright?” Jade asked with concern.

“Depends. How’s your fish?” The Cocoanut replied.

“Really good and tasty.”

The Cocoanut only made an indistinguishable sound in answer.

“You aren’t allergic, are you, Mr. Cocoanut?” Moonlit asked, effectively stopping the debate (which was going nowhere, really).

“No, I’m not. I have fish for almost every meal. But something’s off with this fish….blurrrghhhh…”

Other than the weird noises it was making, there was a hissing sound coming from the Cocoanut. Suddenly, the white smoke was coming out of the Cocoanut’s head and the Cocoanut was shaking erratically.
Needless to say, everyone was gaping at the Cocoanut trying to figure out what was wrong.

As fast as the whole process started, it ended. The top half of the Cocoanut exploded off and was splattered all around it. Jade and Moonlit screamed and ducked under the table while the other three sat there in shock. There was a long, shocked silence until Yuan spoke up, “Sweet. That worked.” He said, eating another spoonful of food.

Blue barely processed that before she replied, “What worked?”

“The poison.” Yuan replied, eating another spoonful.

“What poison?” Blue asked back.

“The poison Captain Kuro put in the fish while you weren’t looking.” There was another bite eaten.

It was Moonlit’s and Jade’s turn to react. Jumping up from underneath the table, they both yelled, “THE FISH WAS POISONED???!!!”

Kuro snorted “Only its fish was poisoned. I wouldn’t poison my own meal.”

“Yeah. That didn’t work last time.” Yuan replied pleasantly, drinking some of the orange juice.

Kuro got up from his seat and went over to the (now dead) Cocoanut’s seat. He examined the body before he broke off a piece and ate it. After swallowing, he stated, “Victory is delicious.”

Moonlit and Jade could only gape. Yuan was the one who talked. “This food is delicious! Complements to the chef!”

“Uh…thanks?” Blue replied.

Kuro turned around and started walking away from the dinner party.

“Eh? Where are you going Captain Kuro?” Blue asked in disdain.

“Leaving. The game is over and there is work to be done back at the ship.”

“But, but, but!” Blue tried to argue, but it only earned her a death glare from Kuro as he turned around and walked away.

Once he left, Yuan spoke up, smiling, “Well! I am staying until dinner is done. This food is great. So…what’s for dessert?”

Jade was horrified. “How…how can you still have an appetite after this terrible murder scene?”

Yuan shrugged, “These kinds of things happen.”

“What!! How! No way!”

“Way. They’re very common where I come from. Besides, that explosion was kind of spectacular. Like fireworks.”

Blue laughed, “That was nothing like fireworks. And cookies are for dessert.”

“What kind of cookies?”


“Eugh. I suddenly lost my appetite. I’m going to get going then. Thank you for the wonderful dinner.” Yuan got up and started to walk away. Moonlit called after him.

“Wait! Wait! Take us with you!”

“Yeah!” Jade chimed it, “What if the things get us?? We can’t defend ourselves too well!”

Yuan looked back at them and sighed. “Fine, I’ll take you to the beach. Hurry up.”

Moonlit and Jade ran up to Yuan. Blue went and got her cocoanut cookies first before she joined them.

The walk back to the beach was relatively peaceful. There were no scary growls or weird creatures, but Jade was scared nonetheless and hid inside Moonlit’s had the whole way.

At the beach, Yuan spread his (to Moonlit, they were beautiful) wings, said goodbye, and flew off. When he was gone, Blue and Moonlit shared a bit of conversation, and, with Jade’s insistence, decided to leave. They exchanged a few, ‘See you later’s and both logged out.

….it was after they left when the shield was back up again, and it was the next morning when Subzi landed face first onto the sandy beach from a link sent in by Sazuka.
so, how was it?
tell me about the fic, the new style, oh, and the ending. i personally LOVE the ending. xD

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Sep 05, 2008 @ 03:44pm
stare ...So I get trapped on the Island by myself? All alone?! emo

This is symbolic on my current state at campus... crying

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 06, 2008 @ 03:04pm
sorry, but putting my sis in the ending with you didnt go too well.

Community Member
Blue Logic
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 08, 2008 @ 10:47pm

Zazu, I swear you write the crackiest fics ever.


In a totally great way.

-crazy giggle- Kuro -crazy giggle-


EHEHE. <33

[Lulz at Subzi though. Just brilliant. x3]

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