After a few minutes of cleaning up the small, ferret-induced cataclysm in the bookstore, Libra locked the front door and collected her things from the shop. She counted carefully to insure having two fur bound items and one paperback.She headed upstairs and checked her answering machine.One message.
"Ey, Lib."It was Mike."Heard 'bout what happened at the ball.You were'nt hurt were ya? Anyhow I got somethin, yur rats might like."
Loki, who always watched when Libra used the phone sneezed at the handyman's remark, as if aware of the man's calling him a rat.He stood up and, in his normal, if somewhat comical manner bounded off to more interesting things.
"I'll bring it by the shop tommorow, see ya then"
Chapter 28 End
(Chapter 29 coming soon)
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A story that exists only in my twisted imagination