Digimon: Chaotic Reign
It has been many years since the original digidestined saved the digital world from every evil digimon there was.Now the digital world was finally at peace. Since they were not needed anymore, the digidestined got on with their lives. The digital world lived in peace, for many years to come, but that peace shattered and the digital world fell into chaos once again. Dark forces are on the rise and they imprisoned the digital guardians in the darkest and deepest part in the shadowed digital world. They took on forms of powerful and evil digimon, that have only one goal in mind, destroy both the human world and the digital world.
So the digimon, waited and waited, as their world fell at the dark digimon's desires and soon there was no one who seemed to be able to stop them. The dark digimon claimed the name of Chaos lord and they ruled the digital world, their next goal was the human world. But one of the guardians managed to escape from their imprisonment. It was Azulongmon and he managed to sent digivices to the human world, before he was captured and imprisoned again. The digivice landed into 6 human children hands. From there they were sent to the digital world, to put a stop to the Chaos lords. With their digimon partners, they now venture forth to put a stop to the Chaos lords, before they can takeover the human world. But challenges stand in their way, like dark digidestined who are sent to put a stop to the good digidestinds once and for all, with their own digimon partners. So the real task at hand now is saving both the human and the digital world from complete destruction.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Mon Mar 03, 2008 @ 08:41pm · 0 Comments |