Regin of Darkness Plot
Past Twelve thousands years ago, a powerful god and demon by the name of Chaos, rose from the depths of the unknown. He was powerful and nothing seemed to be able to defeat him. All in all, he ruled over the lands with a powerful fist. But like all leaders, his regain came to an end. It was all curtsy of six heroes who had the power of one of the six elements. But in the end they lost one of their own towards the sealing of Chaos. After that the remaining heroes vanished and were never seen again. Their amulets disappeared along with them, never to been seen until they're truly needed and the reincarnated heroes are ready for the task.
Present Now it's been twelve thousands years later after, the sealing of Chaos. Everyone still lived in peace and forgot about Chaos and his minions. But one day a mage, was curious and ventured towards the Chaos's prison. He planned on releasing the powerful god and demon, so he could control Chaos. He went through all the preparations and soon Chaos was released. But sadly the mage was killed and Chaos absorbed his powers.
The six elemental spirits saw what happened and sent their powers towards the reincarnations of the heroes. Each spirit fused with one of the reincarnated heroes, bestowing their powers onto their person of their choice. They became the new heroes with the task of destroying Chaos. But the thing is, Chaos won't fall for the trick twice and is quite prepared to face the new generation of the six heroes. He is full of tricks and plans to destroy the heroes before they destroy him. How they do it, well they need the amulets that represent their elements, which they need to find before they are destroyed by the enemy. Once found the amulet bonds to their proper owners, which will allow them to destroy Chaos once and for all.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Thu Sep 11, 2008 @ 01:25am · 0 Comments |