Elemental Wars Plot
The world was thrown into utter chaos, all because of a war. The world trembled as many creatures were destroyed. Bloodshed drenched the lands and one leader, engulfed it all, as he shaped the world into his desire. Power corrupted the countries, making them all divided. Each side was pited against each other and the dark warlord ruled over it all. Nothing seemed to be able to stop the bloodshed as it raced through the lands. Balance was distorted and broken, making the world even more chaotic than before.
The elementals of the world, couldn't withstand the chaos. So the eight elementals bestowed their powers to eight special creatures. They are suppose to band together and use their powers to restore balance to the lands. They, like the elementals are the keepers of balance. Each element balances another one out. It's the circle of life and these eight are no different. Only together, can they restore balance once and for all.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Thu Sep 11, 2008 @ 01:22am · 0 Comments |