Digimon: Choatic Regin RPC
gaianame: anbu_aera_uchiha name: Keiko age: 10 gender: female side: light digidestined crest: light digivice: http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii239/CL4M9/dtectortakuya.jpg personality: Very energetic and innocent. She is really smart for a 10 year old and she loves to play. She's always interested in new things, but her stubborn streak is a bit of a hassle. She is friendly and out going and very protective of her friends. She always excited for a new adventure. She is also strong-willed appearance: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u174/haileypaige0115/Anime%20Girls/kids/LittleNeko.jpg history: Keiko has two older brothers, who never believed her, when she saw something new and magical. Her parents are always busy, so she spends a lot of time alone with her older siblings. Keiko didn't let that get her down, instead she took playing make believe games with magical aspects in it and she would continue it, no matter what.
When she was 10 a flash of light appeared in her room. When the light cleared, in it's place was a digivice. Keiko was thrilled and picked it up. She was intermediately transported to the digital world. Keiko took this as a brand new experience, just like her games. She met up with the other digidestined and they ventured forth. There she met her digimon partner and was glad it quickly became her friend. Now they quest onwards to put a stop to the Chaos lords and save both the digital world and the human world.
digimon Partner in-training: Sunmon type: vaccine attacks: solar burst. picture: http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u137/batousi13/digimon/Sunmon.jpg rookie: Coronamon type: vaccine attacks: CoroKnuckle: Punches enemies with his flaming fist. Corona Flame: Shoots fire from his forehead. Petit Prominence: Winds his whole body with fire to defend or tackle the enemy picture: http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff142/alexdpny/Coronamon.jpg champion: Firamon type: vaccine attacks: Flame Dive: Winds his whole body with fire and comes down quickly from the sky to tackle. Fira Claw: Winds his front leg(s) with fire and scratches the enemy. Fira Bomb: Uses his full power to shoot fire bombs from the forehead. picture: http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s141/Miraboreas/Firamon.jpg ultimate: Flaremon type: vaccine attacks: Guren Juuou Ha (紅蓮獣王波 Crimson Beast King Wave): Centers the spirit of lion and fire at his fist and releases a lion-shaped energy wave. Kurenai Shishi no Mai (紅.獅子の舞 Red Lion Dance): Winds his fists and legs with fire and give the enemy punches and kicks at a high speed. Seisei no Houkou (清々の咆哮 Refreshing Roar): Turns the fire into a purifying shockwave and releases it with a roar to dissolve the enemy's data. picture: http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s141/Miraboreas/Flaremon.jpg mega: Apollomon type: vaccine attacks: Sol Blaster: Releases "sun balls" which are even hotter than the fireball on his back. Phoebos Blow: Concentrates his power to launch a deadly punch. Arrow of Apollo: Releases fiery arrows continuously from the two jewels on his hands picture: http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb123/LuffyTheDragon/Digimon/Apollomon.jpg
other facts: She is good in marital arts and shows skills in mastering it at a young age. She's also ready to learn new things and loves to adventure or explore.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Mon Mar 03, 2008 @ 09:02pm · 0 Comments |