Mobile Suit Gundam: Wars of Destiny RPC
gaianame: anbu_aera_uchiha name: Kanji age: 15 gender male occupation: gundam pilot side: neither, rebel force weapons: hidden daggers and semi-automatic pistol gundam: Shadowmoon, fights with twin blades as well as a scythe. gundam appearance: personality: He is cool and collective, but really hyper. He puts asides everything, when he fights, so he shows no mercy. He also is really smart and an excellent hacker. He has a stubborn streak and refuses to give up. He is also observant. appearance: history: Kanji's parents died when Kanji was around 3 years old. And a young doctor took Kanji in and raised him as his own. He taught Kanji everything he knew about combat. Turns out this doctor was one of leading people in building the gundams. When Kanji was 11, he grew into a fascination of the gundams and slowly began to build one himself. He had a lot of help, but he had created the blueprints and showed it to the doctor who was beyond pleased.
3 years after the first blue-prints were official, the gundam was built and Kanji began to test pilot it. He quickly mastered it and soon learned how to fight in combat with his gundam. At 15 he was sent out on a mission to put a stop to the Shadow Force, with the other gundam pilots. He now works with them in hopes of bringing down the Shadow force once and for all.
other facts: Kanji is a master in combat, both mobile and martial arts also kendo. He is a genius and can hack into any data base, no matter how secure it is. He also built his gundam from scratch, with the help of the doctors and the armorers. But he created the blueprints for it.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Sun Mar 02, 2008 @ 11:41pm · 0 Comments |