Mobile Suit Gundam: Wars of Destiny
It's the year 2012 AD, peace has come at last, between earth and the space colonies. Wars had finally come to an end and there is peace between the different organizations, while mobile suits and gundams are either destroyed or hidden. But sadly peace does not last, for very long. New organizations are raising and an all out war is seemly out to happen once again. So the need for the gundams and the mobile suits are arising again.
Now it's the year 2020 AD and war has broken out once again. The two main organizations are at each others throats are the Earth Alliance and a brand new organization called the Shadow Force. The colonies want to put an end to the Shadow Force, so they send out gundams to intercept and destroy the Shadow Force's bases and all. Young pilots of the gundams are sent out, as the war escalates. Both sides are going against each other, mobile suits and gundams in all. There seems to be no end in sight as each side doesn't show signs of surrendering. Will peace ever come back?
anbu_aera_uchiha · Sun Mar 02, 2008 @ 10:42pm · 0 Comments |