Nanaki: Hi. You may know me as Red XIII from the popular title Final Fantasy VII. I would like to give a special message to the fangirls concerning their love for me. I am a red wolf-thing. Furthermore, I am a male, so I have no interest in Cloud, Vincent, Cid, or, good lord, Barrett. Your heart-warming stories have forced my recently devoured animal lunch up into a frightened librarian’s face. Now, I may have certain thoughts regarding Tifa, but there is never anything more than the occasional thought. Alright, now that that matter is clear, I also have no fondness for Kimahri. Please stop sending me your stories and your drawings, because I will burn them. Thank you for your time.
Kimahri: Kimahri add- There are plenty of female Ronso for Kimahri, I do not need red creature.
Nanaki: Thank you for that insight. Now please return to your normal life, NOT thinking of how anyone paired up with me-even you- is an idea worth emailing me about. If you have a real question, or discover what species I am, You can reach me at red_xiii@yahoo.com. Because, y’know, I can’t operate a phone with my paws. Thank you.