~~~~~~Squall vs Cloud~~~~~~
Cloud: Hey
Squall: Yeah?
Cloud: Do you ever wonder why we're here?
Squall: That's one of life’s great mysteries, isn‘t it; why are we here? Are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a god, watching everything, y’know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don’t know man, but it keeps me up at night.
Cloud:..............What? I mean why are we here at these Final Fantasy XII tryouts?
Squall: Oh, uh...........yeah.........
Cloud: What was all that stuff about God?
Squall: Uh........hmm? Nothing
Cloud: You want to talk about it?
Squall: No
Cloud: Sure?
Squall: Yeah.
Cloud: Seriously, though. Why are here? As far as I can tell, every Final Fantasy has the same basic story with an epic encounter with an ultimate evil.
Squall: Yeah, that’s because we’re fighting the evil.
Cloud: Right, but even though our characters were unbelievably well-presented. Especially, you know, my character.
Squall: Right. We know who you mean.
Cloud: I better not’ve heard that.
Squall: Whatever.
Cloud: Shouldn’t we give someone else a chance to fail miserably at achieving the same amount of success we enjoyed?
Squall: What?
Cloud: *sigh* Shouldn’t we let a n00b suffer ridicule for trying to outdo our greatness?
Squall: Oh. That is a good idea........
Cloud: Since we’re supposed to be re-released on the PS3 anyway.
Squall: O rly?