Announcer: And welcome back to
Tell the Truth! I'm your host, Ann Nouncer, and our contestants today are the famous Cloud Strife!
Audience: Yay!
Heckler: yay woo etcetera
Cloud: I don’t care. Seriously, I don’t.
Announcer: And we also have Squall Lionheart
Squall: Whatever...
Announcer: So far, neither has answered their question-
Squall: That’s because you interrupted us and said that we had to wait for five minutes.
Announcer: So, I’m going to repeat the question.
Cloud: Can’t I just die instead? This is stupid.
Announcer: Cloud, if you could cheat on your wife without getting caught, would you?
Cloud: I said-
Announcer: And Squall, is there something you did that would make your girlfriend trust you less?
Squall: And I already said-
Announcer: Feel free to take your time on this.
Cloud: We don't need to.
Announcer but the last guy took five minutes between each question!
Squall: Yeah, that's because his brain was having problems functioning that day.
Cloud: You know all about that, don't you.
Squall: I.........don't follow you.
Announcer: Cloud, if you could cheat on your wife without being caught, would you?
Cloud: For the love of God, no. Even if I would, I wouldn't say because she's sitting RIGHT THERE!
PC voice: That answer is................................................................................
Squall: WTF?
Cloud: What's with the pause?
PC voice: ....................True
Announcer: Congrats to you, Cloud. You answered a question truthfully!
Cloud: Don't care
Heckler: Booo!
Cloud: Hey! You, I heard that. I’m comin’ after you after this finishes.
Announcer: And Squall-
Squall: This is too boring. Hey Cloud, want to get some drinks instead?
Cloud: Sure, Tifa and I own a bar. Tifa, you coming or are you the next contestant?
Tifa: *snore*
Cloud: Ah, she’s passed out from the Guinness that I brought for my own personal use.
Announcer: Wait-urk......stabbed through the chest......
Cloud: Should I even bother asking why you’re here?
Sephiroth: Just be glad I showed up when I did.