• Verse 1
    There's something' wrong, with my head
    it just seems like I'm brain-dead
    it seemed that my heart is cold
    my body feels like its 80 years-old
    my legs won't run, my hands won't fight
    I'm a deer stuck in the headlights
    I know I can't quit
    just gotta stay in
    I'm growing crazier, bit by bit
    I just can't fit
    They look at me and see a loser
    They tell me to put my neck in a noose and
    I end up being fine, until I grab a knife
    and stab the wall because my life is filled with strife
    I'll send them to Death and his scythe
    As soon as the lights go out, I know it's time

    I just hate, my life
    Can't seem to find, the light
    I always took, what they said
    and kept all that s*** in my head (2x)

    Verse 2
    I know it's a crime
    but honestly, I need to find
    some vengeance, so hence, I'll just cut his neck
    I knew it was evil thing but what the heck
    We had millions of meetings that led up to his death
    And I'll admit, it was fun to kill
    Some bully who had no head
    But I needed my fill
    There were more people I have to credit
    For doing mean things that they said
    But I just can't make, everyone fret
    I have to devise a plan
    Even if it includes some innocent friends
    I can't let the lead, go to my head
    without something happening beforehand
    I know it's a longshot, I have to land
    But I know, it'll be better in the end
    I know the message is what I need to send
    And it's my soul, I need to mend


    Verse 3

    Johnny said he would have my back
    But is he real? I'm a psychopath
    I took my mom's gun, to the school
    My love Marissa, would've said I'm cool
    Or is she just another enigma
    And I'm pretty sure I have no sisters
    What am I saying?
    Johnny and Marissa are alive, or did they disappear?
    My madness is something I fear
    But my goal was very clear
    My vision turned white
    My soul turned black
    I pulled out my gun and shot Sean in the back
    The boom went through the hallway's cracks
    And then I just fired away till had no more rounds
    One bullet left, just for me
    And I yelled "HASTA LA VISTA BABY!"

    Three days later, someone asked
    "Are you the mother, of the psychopath?"
    The woman said "He was brain-dead
    Always took harsh words to his head. So he took my gun, killed 3 kids,
    and shot himself in his head."
    She was asked "Were you ashamed?"
    And all she said was that he was insane...

    PSA: Don't bully or it could lead to this.