• As my days go by, I sit here and think about all that is logical with an unlogical question, hence, attaining an inquisitive answer? to thyself?

    neigh,....perspective is my friend,from now and always....until the end. It has mended and helped with...things that have not been dealt with (properly)...sometimes displacement and isolation from others...or within the mind can help what one was so blinded by;Find placement in the virtual place of a desolate space or,is it just what is within the unconscious mind? partially blind, with the right kind of mind, in time you too will find the right hyme of this horrid....beautiful....place....that isn't but someday will also be mine. Those hidden messages,challenges, they all try to guide you to a path which we all will come by....and yes...this path....this horrid painful loving emotional ride .... will lead us all.... to be with the one... the true.... spirit of mine? no... OUR divine.<3