• Hiding in the dark
    Keeping up a wall
    Not wanting to be close
    Not wanting attention

    Somehow it wasn't enough
    These walls held no chance
    It was too strong a force
    Corroding the walls to get in

    Quickly it moved
    Making its way around everything
    Heat from it growing
    As it neared the center

    Now at the heart
    Its pressure so great and warm
    No reason to resist now
    Just let it envelop all

    A smile forms
    Now to relax in warmth
    Bathe in it
    Love it

    Suddenly air is gone
    the force tightens more
    warmth becomes unbearable
    As it creates a scar

    Alone once again
    With some warmth lingering
    Teasing and taunting
    The heart screaming

    Slowly withering
    Slowly dying