• Fragile feelings torn asunder under the microscope of true love.
    Realiziations that she never loved you explode into your mind like a thousand suns detonating simultaneasely.

    Your world is shattered.

    What do you say?

    The self you knew collapses in on itself leaving a brittle shell of the person you were.
    You coccoon yourself in your room. Listening to the songs you both loved. Thinking about the things you both enjoyed. Remembering their laugh. Their smile.

    You blame yourself.

    "Maybe I wasn't good enough."

    "Maybe I was annoying . .. "

    "Maybe I wasn't exciting enough."

    "Why do I ruin everything . . . I'm such a screw up."

    You curl into a ball. Warm tears streaming down your contorted face as you squeel trying to hold back wailing loudly.

    Your room is your coccoon now.

    And when you leave it, you have one of two options.

    You'll leave a bitter, broken wreck.

    Or you'll leave it renewed. Realizing it wasn't your fault. A new sense of self. More confidence.

    You are the light of your own world.
    Don't let someone else make you the shadow to your own world.