• Sometimes people judge before they know before the story
    People don't know what it's like to be someone else
    Don't judge a person at first glance,
    Nor by their past.

    Don't judge 'till it's you.
    You don't know what they've endured,
    What they've dealt with,
    What they've experienced.

    You don't know how they are when they're exposed.
    You don't know when they're vulnerable.
    You can't tell when someone is at their weakest.

    I wonder what it would be like,
    To walk a mile in her shoes,
    His shoes,
    Their shoes
    Eminem once said
    "Let's trade shoes,
    Just to see,
    What it'd be like to be me,
    I'll be you.
    Let's trade shoes,
    Just to see what it'd be like to.
    Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful."

    Everyone has flaws and faults,
    Things that lay on the ground before them,
    Small barriers that block off certain paths.

    As humans,
    We set goals,
    We have dreams,
    We want to achieve

    Only, sometimes,
    We fail,
    We lose,
    We do not meet our goals.

    We know we have to
    Just keep marching.
    Carry on.
    Stay strong.

    Just live your life,
    To the fullest,
    Today could be your last day to live.

    Don't be fazed by society,
    You are your own person
    You are you, and
    You don't have to change
    Anything for anybody else.

    Be yourself,
    Everyone else is taken.

    Just know that
    Life can be good,
    Life can be bad,
    Either way,
    Life goes on,
    The Earth continues to spin.