• There once was a man who ventured into the woods
    He was a quiet man who did everything he could
    With a pack on his back and a stick in his hand
    He began to make a journey for a foreign land

    It wasn't until he realized he was officially lost
    That he began to shiver as if covered in frost
    The tree to his left was covered in fruit
    The tree to his right had an enormous root

    The treetops opened as a breeze rolled in
    He sat down and began to reflect on all of his sin
    It wasn't until later that he noticed something out of place
    What it was brought a brand new expression to his face

    "Hello...who are you...and where do you come from?"
    The man was speechless as the voice was like an intercom
    "Come with me now and you will have what you seek."
    The man stood up and followed without making a peep

    The trees broke open and a new view came about
    The man was filled with joy as he let out a shout
    The land before him was exactly what he wanted
    Only then did he realize he was right back where he started