• I never asked for much in my life
    Nothing too obscure or outrageous anyway...

    I was a simple person with simple wishes, nothing more nothing less.

    He entered my life in the strangest of ways; blank, quaint and contagious
    We never saw each others faces, naive to the distance that divided us

    What will someone who can change do if he is so far but now chokes my affections to the point of suffocation?

    She was the rhythm, he was the motion... what a simple concept...

    I-Its amazing how this all works! She cannot see his face yet it enchants her with great force...

    Oh how that force made her tremble, with every clear cut honeyed word only inched her heart closer to the point of relentlessness magnitude.
    It was magical to feel it for the first time, the warm luscious sensation wrapped with sparks electrified greatly

    Yet she never saw his face, and he never saw hers.

    She was motion, he was rhythm

    I am silent