• I sat on a shelf while my friends found a home.
    One by one they were taken, and I was left on my own.

    Then you found me and i thought life would be perfect.that I was blessed
    but when I was taken into your world, I never would have guessed.

    I thought we would have tea parties and would play throughout the years.
    But in the end my only purpose was to collect your tears.

    You'd throw me around then cry, then say "I'm sorry I love you"
    like the circle of violence your mother accepted and your father always went through

    As you got older, you hid this behind closed doors.
    But ive watched him hurt you, force you down on to your bedroom floor.

    I'd sleep in your bruised arms and pray that they would heal
    but you couldn't escape from this hell house. So you pretended the pain wasnt real.

    Both you and I have witnessed pain and strife
    you lost your childhood and I lost my life.

    We started out so new, my stitches had so much to offer.
    now when it comes to loving me, you don't even bother.

    You're all grown up and I'm old and forgotten,
    my heart is now bitter and your love is rotten.

    My memories hold abuse. I was thrown,pounded, and shoved,
    Why couldn't you just love me the way you wanted to be loved?

    Your family wasn't a family. Never were words so true,
    I will never know real love, and now neither will you.