• Where do I turn from here?

    When do I shut off these fears?

    Why did we ever try?

    When we both knew it wasn’t right?

    Maybe one day, we’ll find the answers.

    But until then, we’ll just be liars.

    Lying to each other,

    Lying to our mothers and fathers;

    Lying to our friends,

    Telling em it’s never gonna end.

    But hey, we both know the truth,

    That the end is coming oh so very soon.

    I won’t even try to say we’ll make it,

    Because we both know we’re just faking.

    Oh you love me?

    Is that every day or just when you’re lonely?

    Because you say those same words,

    To every ******** girl.

    Shut the door, turn off the lights;

    Because this night –

    We’ll lie to ourselves.

    We’ll even try counseling to help.

    It’s a waste of time,

    Because it’s one fight from leaving tonight.

    One fight filled with cussing and yelling,

    And one of us will walk away crying.

    And the next day,

    It’s a fight from walking away.

    Walking away again and again,

    God it’s gotta end.

    This isn’t healthy,

    I'm tired of hurting.

    I'm tired of all the lies,

    Of all those sleepless nights,

    Where I'm crying myself to sleep.

    I gotta leave. I gotta leave.

    Just leave and walk away.

    Maybe you’ll miss me one day;

    But that’s one day too late,

    I'm just tired of all this pain.

    Maybe one day we can make amends,

    But until then?

    This is goodbye,

    This is the last time.

    The last night,

    I’ll have to cry.

    I’d rather spend every night being lonely,

    Instead of you lying, saying you love me.

    I’d rather spend every night with my teddy bear,

    Then to ever again, be there.

    I'm sorry,

    Maybe one day you’ll forgive me.

    But for right now?

    I gotta save some sanity – somehow.