I’m not in control I’m lost and I’m walking blindly
I don’t know what to do I don’t know who to turn to because your not by my side
your not there for me you’ve gone and I don’t know where you are
but the thing is pride doesn’t want to say I’m lost but I don’t know where I am
and this fight against me and this fight against you and this fight against us
I don’t know whose on whose side and I don’t know whose winning because your not by my side your not fighting with me in the battle against my self
The battle against me is the hardest battle I’ve had to fight
my imagination always pictured you there by my side but the thing is your not
there’s scattered armor, there’s blood everywhere and I don’t know whose blood it is
I don’t know if its yours, I don’t know if its mine, I don’t know if its ours
but 9 times out of 10 its not yours its mine because you weren’t there, because you aren’t there and and I don’t know if you’ll ever be there
But the one thing I do know is I need you, I need you
I need you more than my proud will show I need you more than I can ever let you know
but I can’t let you know because than that would make me seem small, that would make me seem weak
and in a battle against my self that’s not what I need that’s not how I’m going to win
But you will never get to hear these word and you’ll never get to see these tears
And these scars I’ve got that will never heal because I was alone in battle
because YOU.. WEREN’T ..THERE!
You Weren't There
Well of course its about a guy and I feel like its better read than written but tell me what you guys think :D
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