• She was drivin' last Friday on her way to Cincinnati on a snow white Christmas eve. Goin' home to see he mama and her daddy, with the baby in the back seat. Fifty miles ago and she was runnin' low, on faith and gasolene. It'd been a long hard year.
    He didn't care. He had told me to go ahead if I wanted to go, but he was staying. I want to be there, but I also want to be with him. I wonder if he misses me like I miss him. Probably not.

    She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention, she was goin' way too fast. Before she knew it she was spinnin' on a thin black sheet of glass. She saw both their lives flash before her eyes. She didn't even have time to cry, she was so scared. She threw her hands up in the air.
    I feel the car jerk, and I try to get it back under control but I can't. It's spinning wildly now. My head hurts from hitting the glass. I think I'm bleeding, my pale locks turning crimson. I take my hands off the wheel, no longer trying to control the car. I'm scared. It can't end this way. Heaven please help me.

    It was still gettin' colder when she made it to the shoulder and the car came to a stop. She cried when she saw that baby in the back seat sleepin' like a rock. And for the first time, in a long time she bowed her head to pray. She said I'm sorry for the way, I've been livin' my life. I know I've got to change, so from now on tonight...
    The car stops. I open my eyes. I feel tears enter my eyes and I lean my head on the steering wheel, letting my tears fall and whispering my thanks. A sob catches in my throat. I was sure that I would die, that I would never see him again. I bow my head further, apologies coming from my lips.

    Jesus take the wheel. Take it from my hands. Cause' I can't do this on my own. I'm letting go, so give me one more chance. Save me from this road I'm on, oh, from this road I'm on.
    I hear the door open, and before I so much as look up, my seatbelt is all but torn from around me. I feel someone pulling me from the drivers' seat, but I don't complain. I can't. I must be in shock. I feel their hand on my chin, pulling my face up to look at them. It's him, a look of concern, worry, and panic in his normally calm and cold gaze. My tears return, and I let them fall. He seems relieved. He pulls me close, wrapping his coat around my shoulders, before wrapping his arms around me, letting me cry into his chest, while one hand strokes my blood stained hair, the other rubbing soothing circles on my back. My doubts are gone. He does love me. I thank the heavens for keeping me alive, and bringing my lover to me when I needed him most.