• This is different, all so strange..
    Why am I blushing? Why are you smiling?
    Are you really the one i dreamt about last night?
    I swear, you eyes put the world to shame.
    Your smile, the same old gorgeous cliche.

    This is different, all so strange..
    We don't just hold hands, its a real connection.
    Not just another couple, but one being.
    My heart races, I know this is silly,
    But why am I so nervous?

    This is different, all so strange..
    I never asked to be treated like a princess,
    But with you I'm the quen of the world.
    You'll always be my king, fit for a fairy tale.
    I've never held someone so sure, so pure.

    This is you and me, facing the world.
    Raise our hands, we'll rise above all.
    Kiss my lips, we'll shatter the walls.
    Hold on to me, this is all we need.